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"Ana, I got results" my husband said as he entered the house and he was smiling:"We are having healthy baby boy"

No matter how weak I was I run to him and hugged him tightly.

Our baby is healthy and strong and the most important he is alive.

"I told you, I told you he is strong like his father" I cheered as few happy tears fell from my face. I couldn't be happier.

"But we still need to be extremely careful with your pregnancy, you know that your body right now is only protecting him not you"

I smiled, it was the first time my husband called our baby a baby, before that he just saw fetus in him, thing without emotions .

"Do whatever you need to do with me, I believe you and I will do whatever I have to hold this baby in my arms"


"I already told you, the day I was told that I can't have children was the worst day in my life and I was broken. Maybe you still can't understand it but women's purpose is to bring new life to this world and for a most of womens, not being able to have their baby is heartbreaking" I told him.

"Looking at your example I see mother who is ready to protect her child with whatever it takes, and that reminds me of only one person, my mother"

"Your mom was amazing person, I know I have never met her, but she raised you to become real man and she gave her life to save you, I think I am not even close to be what she was"

He kissed me with such passion:"Don't say something like that ever again, you are good as my mom, you are willing to risk your life for baby you never saw and you fought for him even when I didn't, only mothers can love and protect their baby with their own life even while, from now on I promise you I will do everything for you and him ".

"Thank you, Kuro, I really need your support in this and this baby needs his father too" I hugged him, he finally accepted our baby and saw him as a little human, not just fetus.

Soon I felt weird feeling in my stomach and it hurted. I moved away from Kuro scared something is wrong with our child again.

Why is this happening to me? Why whenever I feel happy in my life something must go wrong?

"Ana, is something wrong?" he asked me going into the doctor mood:"Talk to me, I am right here".

"It...it hurt" few tears fell from my face as I pointed at my stomach:"I...I don't want to lose him, please don't let that happen...!"

"I need you to take deep breaths for me" he said and he lifted my shirt and pressed his hands on it, soon I saw he is smiling.

"What's...what's so funny?"

He took my hand in his and pressed it onto my belly:"Ana, baby is moving inside of you, he is okay. You just felt him moving for the first time".

"R-really?" I asked and pressed my hands onto my tummy.

"Let's do an ultrasound so I can assure you everything is okay with him", he took my hand in his and we headed to the exam room.

I still felt a little bit nervous when we entered it, but my husband smiled at me:"Nothing's going to hurt, I can promise you that, calm down and try to relax, we are here just to see our baby, that's it".

He helped me get onto the bed and lay down. I lifted my shirt and he put gel onto my stomach.

He looked at me:"Are you ready for this?"

"Of course" and with that I saw our little baby on the screen. Kuro started talking and he used a lot of medical terms I didn't understand at all, after a while he got it.

"I was meaning to say everything is just the way it should be" he laughed and pointed to the screen:"Baby is strong and healthy, only problem we have is your problem with sickness and losing weight, so we will need to try to solve that problem,but look at this, this is our son moving"

I smiled at the screen as I saw baby moving.

"This are heart beats of our son" Kuro smiled as he pressed some button and soon I could hear strong heart beats of our son.

"He is really okay."

"Yes Ana, you have one strong baby growing inside of you", he said as he pressed his lips onto mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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