Midnight Lies

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Here's an excerpt of my friends' story, she's just started this. Vote and comment on it and let us know what you think of it!!! And if you want more up then remember to vote, and she will!! Anyway here's the excerpt from her story...enjoy!

P.S. if you want to read more of my friend's story (the whole first chapter is on her page) then go to her profile: WintersSecrets

P.P.S. she switched the names of her stories so instead of Hidden Secrets this is now "Midnight Lies" sorry for the abrupt switch names in the titles.


Chapter 1:

Behind me the alarm from the building wailed distantly, but still nonetheless irritating. I stopped in a clearing looking for the enemy, the reason why the alarm was going off is because we were being attacked -obviously- . Around the building a sea of vague dark shadowy outlines writhed, like stormy waves from the sea. The building is in the center of a forest so, when I couldn't find my prey that'd somehow managed to escape me in the confusion that'd ensued, I jumped up and grabbed the lowest branch of a nearby tree and swung myself up and climbed nimbly from branch to branch. The sun was just setting when I stopped on a branch in the middle of the tree and scanned the area, I squinted my eyes slightly against the approaching darkness. Whoever planned this attack is a genius, I'll give them that much. I was still scanning the area when the branch I was on broke, the only warning I had was the branch cracking. I tried to jump off of the branch I'd perched percariously on but I was too slow, as I tried to push off the branch broke from the tree and dropped to the ground as I suddenly became -if for a moment- air-born before I fell. I tried to grab ahold of branches as I went down but my hands simply either slipped or glanced off, I flipped over so that -instead of my face hitting the ground- my back was facing the ground. I crashed through the last couple of branches and hit the ground with a hard and painful thud a few feet away from the branch, the impact had litterally knocked the breath out of me. I rolled over onto my side curling into the fetal position gasping for breath, tears pricked my eyes as I sucked in ragged breath after ragged breath. Behind me I heard the leaves from the branch rattle and I jumped sideways, scrambling very ungracefully to me feet.

"Hey! Can't I call for a timeout?" I yelled into the darkness, my reply from my prey was the branch thump dangerously close to me and I danced backwards. "I'll take that as a no." I muttered darkly. Suddenly the flood lights from the building snapped on momentairily blinding me, I covered my eyes blinking rapidly as my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness.

"A little warning would be nice next time." I snarled in the direction of the lights, going on gut feeling I threw myself sideways just as the branches landed where I'd been seconds earlier. Angry I whirled around, this is an Earth Elementals doing and I was growing increasingly bored and irritated with this game the Elemental wanted to play. Finally I'd had enough and when the branch came swinging towards me I grabbed it and snapped it in half, but not before a piece managed to catch a glancing blow on the spot between my neck and shoulder.

"Where are you, you coward?" I called out angrily, fury flowed through my veins and I started to glow from the amount of Power I was storing. The glowing looked like the glowing you see from a fire, to my right a bush rustled and the Elemental stepped out. It was a boy.

"I'm no coward, Nephilim." The boy spat, his eyes narrowed and around him huge boulder sized chunks of Earth rose up.

"You really don't want to do this." I sighed, trying to be reasonable. Of course he didn't listen and suddenly the parts of ground flew at me, I gave up on trying to control the situation and myself. I just, let go. My wrist flicked out, almost in a lazy and uninterested motion, destroying the chunks of Earth that flew at me. The boy looked at me a bit perplexed and I bared my teeth at him in a cruel smile, I rushed towards him my movements too fast for him to track. When he finally did see me I stood infront of him and, literally, sent him flying backwards. He flew backwards and hit the trunk of a tree with a sickening sound somewhere between a crack and a thump. Surprisingly he was still alive, without even touching him or moving from my spot I lifted him into the air. I slammed him into the ground, rocks, and trees repeatedly and he hit them hard. Every time he hit them his body made that sickening thump-crack sound, before he stopped moving he must've sent out a call for help because suddenly the clearing was occupied by a male Air Elemental and a female Water Elemental, who were followed by my two friends coming from the area I currently had my back to.

"Ariella, stop. Let him go." Shea whispered to me, my eyes flicked to him and narrowed maliciously. There was preassure on my arm and I turned my head to see what was causing it.

"Let him go Ariella, if you don't you'll kill him." Cartia urged coaxingly, her words registered and I looked to see the boy hanging in the air bloody, broken, and half-dead. I choked on a sound of surprised horror, or maybe revulsion, and set him gently on the ground where his commrads picked him up.

"Go, if you don't hurry he'll surely die from his wounds." I said in a tired and resigned voice, though I doubt he'll survive the wounds I inflicted on him.

"If he does it's because of your doing, Nephilim." The girl spat nastily at me then they left, I frowned slightly then turned to assess my friends. Shea is tall, about six foot one, and muscular, but not like the gross overly muscled or steriod muscled type 'cause I mean seriously? Ew. He is also skinny with skin that's slightly tan from being out in the sun, clear and beautiful green eyes that seemed to shimmer with vibrant green colors, and dark brown hair that falls into his eyes he's also a Faery. Then Cartia is tall, about five foot eight, and lanky with pale skin and a mane of long curly honey-blonde hair. Her eyes are a soft, but stunning, lavender. The color itself is so pale it looks like there's no color to it and if you manage to get a closer look you can see that there are streaks of a darker purple in them, she's also an Air Elemental. Then there's me I'm short, about five foot four, and thin and lithe and willowy. I have a mane of thick straight night black hair, pale porcelain skin, and cold and piercing glacial blue eyes with streaks of ember. As I gazed at Shea and Cartia I could see that they weren't seriously hurt which put me at ease whereas I, on the other hand, was scraped up pretty bad.

"Jeez did you try to fly through every scraggily bush and tree you could find?" Shea asked, raising an eyebrow in mock questioning. I wish I could do that one-raised-eyebrow trick. I looked at him, a sardonic smile lifting the corners of my mouth.

"Oh you know, I make it a top priorety to demolish the trees and bushes that get in my way just merely for the hell of it." I replied sarcastically, waving my hand dismissavely as I spoke. We started laughing and after a few minutes, still laughing slightly, we headed back towards the building I walked a few feet behind them. I noticed that as they walked their movements were stiff and sore, nothing some rest couldn't fix. I started after them then stopped hissing in pain, the injuries I hadn't noticed before flaring up in pain. From what I could tell a few ribs were bruised and a couple of more were either fractured or broken, I tried walking again and only managed a couple of steps before I collappsed to the ground in pure and utter agony. Pain pulsed in my body and I looked up to see that Shea aand Cartia had disappeared from view, I laid there contemplating what to do. It was obvious that walking is out of the question and it's too far to drag myself back, so that just left...


That's it, just remember if you liked it tell us and if you want more to be put up then vote!!!

P.S. if you want to read more of my friend's story (whole first chapter is on her page) then go visit her profile: WintersSecrets

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