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Logan: trust yourself. Don't doubt your own intelligence. If you believe you can, do not let someone stop you. Do it. Give it your all.

Remus: people might think you're crazy, but who cares? Be what you want to be. Be confident in who you are. Be yourself, all the way.

Emile: you are beautiful, inside and out. A wonder to behold.

Roman: life is a book, and we are the main characters. Everyone has their own personal, amazing, beautiful story. Even you. You are the hero of your story. No one else. You. And you are exactly what this storybook needs.

Patton: You are not weak for having bad days. You are not toxic because you're upset right now. Your feelings are real. Your feelings are important.

Virgil: don't worry about what others say. Their opinion doesn't matter. It doesn't change who you are. You're valid and wonderful.

Deceit: Your life is your own. No one can decide how it ends but you. You choose who you are. Your past does not define you.

Remy: Screw society. Be different. Be you. Because if you won't be you, who will?

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