Chapter 4: Why Didn't You Say Anything?

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"So, she finally invites me over to the new place," Jess said, closing the door to her Ford Focus.

"It's not really much to look at," Lexi stated, hugging her friend. Jess and Lexi had met each other in conditioning going into their freshman year. Jess had played on competitive soccer teams while Lexi had only played for the city, but they were some of the few incomers that had past experience.

Lexi took Jess inside and gave her a tour of the house. Max followed along, randomly barking at Jess to pet him. The tour ended in Lexi's room.

"Has your mom reached out?" Jess asked her.

"She has yet to forgive me for choosing my dad. I understand why she did what she did, but it doesn't mean I thought it was right. And to hide a secret like that for seven years..." Lexi laid back in her bed and closed her eyes. She felt Jess take a seat next to her and she started talking about how conditioning was going and how their team looked for the new season. They had just had a week break and the girls who were committed to the team hadn't slacked off for their break. Nate's family had taken a vacation for most of the week, their SUV had been packed when Lexi saw them leave.

The two girls eventually made their way out to the front porch so they could sit on the porch swing. They were soon interrupted by Ellie.

"Hi Lexi," the younger girl greeted, but she sounded worried. Ellie ran up to her house with large eyes, all by herself.

"Where's your brother?" Lexi asked, standing up, sure that something was wrong.

"He's inside, but I kind of need to ask a favor. I'm not really supposed to let Snowball out in the front yard and um, I don't know where he went," Ellie said, looking around the street. Lexi turned to Jess and she nodded at her.

"Let's go look for him," Lexi told the small girl whose eyes started to fill with tears, taking her hand. First, they searched their front yard to make sure he wasn't hiding in any bushes or under any of the cars before searching their next-door neighbors. They walked to the park and eventually found Snowball hiding in a tree.

"Ellie?" Lexi heard Nate call out. Jess turned to Lexi with a smirk on her face. She turned to see him shirtless, running down the street. "Ellie, where are you?"

"You didn't tell your brother?" Lexi asked the small girl. She shook her head and Lexi turned toward Nate. "I have her!"

"Ellie!" He ran over to them and hugged his sister tightly to him. "What the hell were you thinking? You left the front door open and I heard Betty barking for a while, but I didn't realize you were missing until I couldn't get her to stop. I thought you were kidnapped or something."

"I'm fine, I just wanted to walk Snowball, so I went to ask Lexi," Ellie replied with a frown. Nate hugged her again before standing up to look at Lexi.

"Thank you for looking after her," Nate told Lexi, "I really appreciate it."

"I'm sorry for not texting you or something, I just assumed she had told you," Lexi said, trying to keep her eyes from roaming down to his abs. Jess walked up to them with a smile on her face.

"Thanks Jess, for helping too. Lexi, it's not your fault," Nate assured her as they started to walk back toward their houses.

"My car is actually parked by the park and I should head home to change for conditioning," Jess stated, winking at Lexi when Nate wasn't looking.

Nate didn't even look uncomfortable being less dressed than normal in public and Lexi tried to look at the houses in the opposite direction of him. "You should probably start to get ready for conditioning too. I'll just meet you at my car."

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