You were friends with everyone in Ateez, but you were secretly in a relationship with Seonghwa. You didn't know why you never told the boys. You just started dating and thought that it was nice and quiet the fact that only you two knew about it. The only problem, was that you couldn't be affectionate in front of the boys.
That night they invited you to a sleep over at their dorms. You ate and then watched movies. You were sitting between Yeosang and Yunho, and from time to time you glanced at Seonghwa, pouting about the fact that you couldn't cuddle him.
After the movie marathon you all decided to go to sleep and all the boys went to their rooms, leaving you the couch to sleep on. You tried to get comfortable but you couldn't. All you wanted in that moment were Seonghwa's arms around you.
You sighed and got up. You walked to his room, and stopped in front of his door. You put your hand up to knock on the door, but then stopped, putting it back down.
"Maybe he's already sleeping" you thought "I shouldn't bother him"
You wanted to walk back to the couch, but then you pouted again, frustrated.
"But I miss him.." you thought
You tried to knock again, but stopped before actually doing it. You heard someone chuckle and you turned around, noticing Seonghwa behind you.
《How long have you been standing there?》 you asked
《Long enough》 he said, coming closer to you
《I thought you were inside》 you mumbled
《I went to the toilet》 he said, and you nodded
《Did you need something?》 he asked
《I can't sleep without you》 you said, avoiding his gaze, embarrassed
He smiled and put an arm around your waist.
《Then you should sleep with me》 he said
He opened the door and let you in.
《But what if the boys find out?》 you asked
《Maybe we should just tell them》 he said 《At least that way I don't have to be away from you》
He laid down and opened his arms for you. You laid next to him and you put your head on his chest, while he put his arms around you.
《Sleep well》 he whispered, kissing your forehead
《Good night》 you replied, already falling asleep