Prologue - The World of Castia

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Author's Note

Hi everyone, my name's Fhiroo (pronounced fear-oh) :)

This is my first ever story that I've ever written, so any criticism or suggestions in the comments is ALWAYS appreciated. I'm not the best writer but I do try to stay on topic!!! Even if I do get heavy into detail!!!!

My intentions for the prologue are to set up and world-build this wonderful world for the story to take place in, so DO NOT SKIP.  Just try to immerse yourself :) If you're interested in listening to ambient music, I HIGHLY SUGGEST THIS ONE FOR THIS CHAPTER!! 

Other than that, the plot will start up in the next chapter, see you there!! :)

The Beginning

At the end of an era, and at the beginning of a new dawn, the world of Castia came to be. First came the forming of the land, where the mountains grew tall and the rivers ran deep. The world of Castia was one singular continent, surrounded by only vast gray ocean, and the tallest of mountains ran along the edges of the world, letting the rivers wind through to the center of Castia, as the snow would melt in what would be early Spring. With the founding of the land, came the Great Sun, and in It's golden brilliance, rose over the horizon for the first time, illuminating everything It could reach; climbing the towering red mountains, hiking the rolling brown hills, glittering off of the flowing blue rivers, passing through the grassy green plains, and piercing the thick forests of green and gray. It's dawn was brilliant, and everything radiated in a way like nothing ever would again, and soon, the peoples and the cities of Castia will experience It's wondrous light. But all things must come to an end, and as The Sun set after the long day, the two Moons came to be, shining the world in a blue light during the long night. But the two Moons, even with their combined luminescence, could not rival the Sun's radiance, and thus, the nights remained forever darker than the days, and the cycle of light and darkness would continue to battle until the days Castia would grow old. With the founding of the Land and the Sky, came the introduction of Magic, the power which would stem curiosity and mystery into Castia, for it imbued itself within the land, the seas, and the sky. Powers that may be used in those who could claim it, and with the creation of Castia, came the beings who would live in this newly found world. 

There were many races and many forms of life; the Elves in their woodland realms accompanied by the forest's creatures, the Dwarves and Orcs in the scattered hills and reaching mountains,  and the Humans in the lonely plains. In this world, there were many magical creatures, ranging from the tiniest of sprites within the woods, to the mightiest of dragons on top of the highest peaks, for there was great variety in nature when the world came to be. Unicorns and Sprites and Nymphs and other woodland critters lived among the Elven folk, and the Elves enjoyed their presence, taming many of these creatures, befriending and protecting them, and allowing the rest to live in their realms, becoming coalescent with one another. Boars and Ogres and Goblins cluttered the rolling hills where the Dwarves and Orcs resided, but did not cooperate with them as did the forest creatures with the Elves, for they were mostly lesser species of the Dwarves and Orcs, and were incapable of greater thinking. Rather, they resided towards their reptilian instinct, especially in regards to shiny objects and killing others for those things. And Humanity, while alone out in the plains with nothing unique or magical, put their energy into fighting among themselves, but soon found strength in unity and centralization; a strength that many would fear in the near future. 

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