Have a Little Faith

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Back in the Luminous Woods on that next morning, the Golden Sun rose early, and complimented the light of the bio-luminescent flowers. Cielo woke up, yawning and scratching his rough mane. Elena had left her bed neatly put together, but wasn't there. However, he noticed a lot of noise coming from the downstairs part of the house. Cielo came down, rubbing his eyes, only to find all of the children playing various musical instruments in the main room.

"What the-" he pleaded, trying to get his bearings. Then he saw Elena playing along, smiling and singing, and Cielo smacked his forehead instinctively. It was becoming reflexive at this point.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING-" he yelled, but nobody could hear him over the blaring noise. Trumpets and flutes and drums played, and after coming to his senses, Cielo realized that they were actually playing well. The melody and the harmony became one all of a sudden, and he could feel the joy and happiness in the room. He found Wyatt in the corner keeping beat on one of the leather-skinned drums, while Sawyer played on a small bronze trumpet, and all of the kids each played a part in keeping the music together. It sounded heavenly.

They concluded though, just as the Sun began to peak over the horizon, and everyone gathered around the table. Sawyer came to the front.

"Everyone, today is the same as usual. Thank you for your wonderful performance, but now let's get back to work. Whatever you were doing yesterday, please go out and do again. Meet back when the Sun is at it's peak, and we can each lunch!" He smiled as the kids all brought their arms together for a cheer.

"Goooo Rowdy Rookies!!" they cheered. Must have been their group name, Cielo thought to himself. He saw Elena partaking in the matter, and he approached her once all of the children headed back out into the forest. Elena noticed him, and turned towards him.

"I heard what you said last night, and thanks. I hope you'll be fine too." She seemed a bit off still, and Cielo noticed this.

"Don't worry about me. What are you doing today? And how long are we staying here?"

"Well I'm going to help Cordelia out with the cooking and preparations for the food here. She seems to enjoy cooking and I really want to keep talking to her."

"Elena," he interrupted. "I think I want to know more about what you said the other day."


"That magic stuff, I want to know more about it. You said it has to do with the power within oneself." Cielo stared into her green eyes, and saw them shine brightly. A massive smile sprouted onto her face.

"You're partially right."

"You know what I mean, Elena. Can you teach me?" He asked again, and watched her smile even bigger than before.

"Of course I can! I'm a master at magic!"

"Well that's great, but what even is it?"

"I'm the teacher and you're the student now, Cielo. Meet me outside, young pupil." She smirked at him, and then skipped away outside. All Cielo could do was watch and smile; he had never seen her look so excited for anything before. He headed outside and met with her in a small clearing outside of the house a few minutes away. A small waterfall fell from a little creek into a clear pond, and the air around the clearing was as fresh as it could ever be. The flowers glowed with bright, blue light, and the trees, in their various colors, reflected the Sun's glow. It was a peaceful atmosphere, and Elena was right in her element, as she stood in the small pond. Her dress was wet at the ends of it, as she stood barefoot on one of the rocks under the water.

"Stand in the pond with me, Cielo."


"LISTEN! I'm the teacher, and you're the student. Do as I say!" She pointed a finger at him, shouting loudly to disrupt the peace.

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