The moment he lost all emotion

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Izuku was born very happy with a normal family, normal house and in a unordinary world. In the world he lives in, 80% of the world has super natural powers called quirks. Normally people would develop such powers at the tender age of four. There is such case like a late bloomer who developed these powers at a later age. It was just like a case with Izuku who didn't developed a quirk, 6 months after hitting the age of four. The concerned parents who were toshinori yagi and Inko midoriya, took there son to a quirk analytic. The two parents were heroes them self. Toshinori yagi was a quirkless at start until he inherit the ability of ofa. Inko midoriya had the blood line of nana shimura and developed a strong telekinesis quirk. Both of the hero were very popular and good heroes. The two had a baby because of love and to have a baby with a very strong quirk. We could see here a man with a quirk to make people do something they would never do. He was 17 and he lived pranking people like this. He would use it to make people have sex with him and give him money. That all changed when all might and psy-trick stopped him and put him in the cop car. At the last moment, with the remaining strength he had, he used his quirk on both of them. All might and psy-trick picked there son from the playground and took him to the doctor. They had a x-ray ok Izuku and brought the result.

The four was in a room and in the last second, the quirk activated and also affected the doctor. "Izuku over here has no chance of having a quirk" the doctor said as he was affected by the 17 year olds quirk. "All might looked at him with disgust and so did psy-trick.
They took Izuku into the car and didn't talk to him at all. Izuku was tearing up from both his parents action and also because of the doctor. Izuku noticed they passed there house and asked them where they were going. The two didn't answer as the quirk was still active. The parents took Izuku to a hill where the ocean was beneath them. The storm came in out of nowhere and made the sky gloomy as the lightning and rain started pouring down.
"D-dad? M-mom? What are we doing here"Izuku asked as he was shaking.
The two parents with red eyes took Izuku by hand and had him over the hill. Beneath Izuku was ocean and rocks. "Dad? Please put me back" Izuku said as he reared up more. The two smirked and dropped Izuku. Izuku fell down as the quirk that was affecting his parents wore down. The two parents remembered the entire thing and looked over to the sea. They saw no sign of Izuku and both of them started to cry. They killed there only son. That's what the parents thought but Izuku was actually alive. The only thing was Izuku hit his head on the rocks and lost all or most emotions he had. Izuku was beneath if the hill where it caved in and stayed there. Izuku wasn't conscious because of the impact and was basically in a coma. Izuku stayed like that for 2 days before waking up.

Izuku woke up and realized how hungry and thirsty he was and looked for food or water. Izuku first drank the ocean, which was a horrible idea. 10 hours passed and Izuku was finally out of the forest. Izuku wore a shirt which was wet with shorts and a bag. Izuku kinda looked dirty but the people just guessed he was playing and just came out of the forest. Izuku looked around before walking to the park. He was at the swing, swinging when memories flooded him. He didn't know how to feel or if he could even feel. Izuku then suddenly did something he never felt before. He got off of the swing and thought "is this my quirk?". Izuku suddenly got the urge to think of a certain place and he thought of the swing he was just at. Suddenly his body transfers to said place in a instant. Izuku then got another urge and pulled his hand up front. There he did nothing until a boy who was using his quirk walked by. Suddenly Izuku copied his quirk and did the same but stronger. Izuku had two other urge but for some reason couldn't do. Izuku then teleported to a abandoned building at the forest and starts to cleans the place.

Teleportation: move to a certain spot your thinking of instantly when choosing to.

Copy and polish: can copy another quirk and make it stronger. Can only do so when seeing A person withy the quirk. Can keep it. There is a limit of one at the time.



The end---

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