The mystery quirk

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At the age of twelve, Izuku studied up on all the learning he missed so he can get into a hero school. Izuku while thinking of hero, had a horrible feeling in his heart. It was the first time Izuku felt in a long time. When izuku think of heroes, he thinks of his dad and mom and remembers the entire this with the cliff. Izuku didn't know what to do with these feelings and piled them back down his heart. Izuku kept on studying and made a quirktube channel. Izuku basically uploaded footages of him singing since when izuku sings, he feels something. And when izuku hears music, he feels the same thing. The feeling of freedom and enjoyment. Izuku wanted to share this feeling with others and that's why he uploaded his singing in quirktube. Izukus first song he made was called "one thing right".
It was a absolute blow up when he uploaded the song and with upcoming views, also came upcoming money. Izuku seeing how profitable this was, made more songs. The second song he made was called "vacant" and was also a huge blow up. Then he made the two other songs which was a global hit called "sad" and "bad". Izuku made quite a lot with these and actually bought stuff, not steal them. On all of his videos he recorded, he did so on the second room correctly naming it the record studio. Izuku didn't wear any mask since he can't sing with a mask on so he also gained fame as he was quite handsome. When izuku walk along the street with out a mask on, he always gets request for signs and pictures which Izuku thought was fine.

This went along for a year and Izuku made much more songs like "crash" or "leg lock". When izuku turned thirteen, Izuku felt the same way he did when he used his quirk. Izuku immediately activated one and moved his bed to the other end of his room. Izuku figured out one of his quirk as telekinesis and then Izuku activated the other one. When doing so, izukus body got covered in green electricity and Izuku felt a huge spike of strength.
Izuku didn't know how to stop this so he released all the strength to his wall. That however was a mistake since it destroyed the wall of his. Izuku looked at the destruction he did and quietly fixed the wall. Izuku then slept from the exhaustion of using too many quirks in one day. The next day izuku decided to go out for a quick jog. Izuku didn't want tone too muscular but he found having great stamina could be of good use. Izuku ran for a good 3 hours before stopping at a near cafe(bar). When izuku entered, he was weirded out from the interior design of the "cafe". Izuku went to the front and asked for a easy drink since he doesn't like the taste of coffee. The black mist  (kurogiri) thought izuku couldn't drink strong alcohol so he gave izuku a bocce ball. Izuku saw this orange drink and thought it was a new coffee so izuku tried it out. Izuku took a sip and and looked at the drink. It was the first time izuku had alcohol so it was a weird thing for him. Izuku did enjoy it so izuku drank more. Izuku and kurogiri then had small talk, which developed to a deep talk about stuff. Izuku soon realized the drink he had was alcoholic and found out it was a bar. Izuku didn't care anymore and continued to talk until dark. Izuku left to home and from then on, izuku would visit kurogiri once a week to talk.
-the end.

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