❤️Chapter 18❤️

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Sakura played with Peiny as she sat in Karin's arms, everyone lazily walking back to the leaf village. They were almost there, Sasuke could see it over the horizon. He looked over to his child to see her not paying him any mind, he rolled his eyes. "Sakura?" He asked her. She looked up.

"Yes Sasuke?" Sakura tilted her head in curiosity.

Sasuke nodded to her. "Are you hungry?" He gestured to the dried cereal he had still not eaten. Sakura shook her head no. She went back to playing silently, not uttering a word as she continuously traced Peiny's face. Sasuke sighed. In truth, he just wanted to confirm what Sakura thought of him. She had been through alot just like him, he knew it would take a while before she trusted him enough to call her father.

Sasuke was stubborn. He tried not to feel bad for Sakura. She was moping, but she was only three. He knew it would get better for her. She just had to keep an open mind. As Sakura clung to Karin, Karin rolled her eyes at Sasuke's recklessness. She was ready to go back to how it used to be, before that huge mess.

Poor Sakura. Karin thought to herself. She had no one left. She must feel like a rogue ninja. Sakura played with Peiny in her arms with a blank face

"Wait!" Sasuke warned. He sensed two large and familiar chakra energies. Immediately, he recognized the one as Naruto. They were tracking something, most likely them.

"Got it. Hide." Karin directed to the boys, who jumped out of the way in hiding. It was always better to have a surprise in set. Karin tightened her grip on Sakura.The skin on the back of Sakura's neck prickled in fear as Sasuke got into a protective stance. Her eyes met with Karins.

"Not again." Sakura whimpered. Karin gulped and looked away. Just yesterday strangers had taken everything from her and turned her life upside down. Karin tucked Sakura's head into her shoulder and tried to shush her.

"Come out Naruto." Sasuke grabbed his sword and held it in front of him in warning. He would be ready for anything.


Right when Team 11 had broken off to report to the Hokage, Naruto and Kakashi sensed a chakra sensor. One of whom they couldn't believe they would run into. They chased it to a large yard, waiting until they were on the other side then taking a deep breath.

When Naruto and Kakashi walked through the bushes to face the team, Naruto's eyes widened. Sasuke wouldn't. Naruto watched the cowering toddler in the red haired woman's arms. She had been through alot just by looking at her. "Sasuke." Kakashi looked a Sakura appraisingly.

"She is mine." Sasuke sighed, not wanting to admit it. "Sakura is her mother." Both jaws on Kakashi and naruto dropped.

"Sasuke.. Sakura went missing more than a year ago..." Naruto backed up, his face shocked as Sakura looked up at him with a pout.

"I know." Sasuke sighed, clapping his hand to his forehead. "She is definitely mine."

"Fuck." Naruto whispered. You were pregnant Sakura? And no one had noticed.

Kakashi was shocked. He had never even thought Sakura was capable of having a child secretly. "And you want us to take her in?" Kakashi knew it from the start. Leave it to Sasuke to always drop his mess onto others.

"I need her to be safe." Sasuke sighed, clapping Karin on the back. Karin started to stumble forward.

"No!" Sakura squealed, digging her arms into Karin's arm. "Please don't leave me too!" Sakura cried.

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