❤️Sakura's Epilouge❤️

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Sakura was not expecting this at all. She was not excepting when she slept with her balcony open to see an Akatsuki member. She tried not to be judgmental, and even held back her scream. He didn't have to worry about anything when he leapt on top of her, covering her mouth just in case.

Sakura was laying in bed with him on top of her. Her eyes showed a confused but calm look. The Akatsuki member removed his heavy weight from her and walked calmly to her balcony. Silently he closed the balcony doors and turned around, removing his cloak and hat.

Sakura tightly gripped her blanket up to her chin, suddenly feeling conscious of her pink fluffy pajamas. The handsome, dangerous Akatsuki member Deidara was in her room. He sat down in the chair across from her bed, and moved his hair out of his eyes. His eyes were a deep blue.

"H-Hi." Sakura said shyly. It was definitely something to get used to. Deidara was Sasori's partner, someone who Sakura had once considered a father. The look on his face told her that he felt the same way.

"Hello Sakura, un." Deidara rubbed the back of his neck shyly. He crossed his tall legs in front of her as he tried to get comfortable. Sakura felt oddly comfortable in his prescience.

"What do you want with me?" Sakura whispered. Deidara sighed, looking away.

"I wanted to apologize in privacy, yeah." Deidara uncomfortable said without meeting her eyes. "I wanted to see you one last time, before I had to treat you like the enemy." Deidara sighed.

Sakura whimpered in fear slightly, but continued on. "What are you apologizing for?" Sakura whispered. Deidara frowned at her, and she could see the sadness in his face.

"I... I hurt you before you became a little girl, un." Deidara mumbled. "I did some sick things to you. And I was a different person before that time." Deidara rambled. Sakura nodded, listening along to him. "But I wanted to let you know that we loved you. We took care of you, I promise. I'm sorry we were selfish." Deidara frowned looking down at the floor with wet eyes.

"Danna.. Sasori, would kill me if he knew I was here." Deidara frowned. "All he wanted was for you to be happy. That's why he let you go." Deidara met her eyes, and was shocked to see Sakura crying real tears.

Sakura reaches underneath her pillow and shakily held something out to him. Deidara stood and took her hand, pulling it slowly to look at it. It was a picture of Deidara, Sasori, and Sakura. They were smiling at her happily, and she was in both of their arms.

"Why do you seem so genuine!" Sakura sobbed, and broke down further as he reached out for her. He hesitated, but ultimately brought her strong form into his arms, rubbing her arms and rocking her back on forth on his lap until her sobs quieted to sniffles.

"I used to do this when you were little, yeah." Deidara smiled into her hair. "Danna was always jealous. I could make you stop crying faster than him." Deidara chuckled into her hair. Sakura couldn't help the feeling of safety she got in his arms. She was wrapped in her blanket like a sushi roll, and straddled across the Akatsuki members lap.

"Why?" Sakura sniffled. "Why did you trick me?" Sakura whimpered in his strong arms. Deidara rocked her slowly, humming to her with his deep calming voice.

"You don't have any reason to trust me, un." Deidara hummed quietly to the softly crying girl. "But I promise you that the picture is real." He held it out to her. She whimpered.

"I didn't want to let go." Sakura whimpered, gesturing to Sasori. Deidara nodded as he rubbed her face.

"Neither did we baby, I promise." He rocked her until she was so comfortable she was falling asleep.

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