Chapter: 11

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Ira's POV

"What? Not happy to see me?" Mamon said with a pouty face (which I knew was fake)

"What do you want with me?" I demanded

"My my Ira, where are your manners?"


She sighed, "Well.. you were gone for quite some time, and Bel and I started to worry"

"Lies! You both don't give a care about me!"

"What makes you so sure Ira?"

"Because... because..."

For once, I didn't know what to say back. It always seemed like Bel and Mamon don't care about me.. I mean, sure they yelled at me, and sure they did take advantage of me.. I can name countless things they've done but... why wasn't I say any of them..?



"You have no words..?"


"I see. Well, I did answer one of your questions, now it's your turn. What have you been doing? Why are you in this part of town? And what happened to your arms?"

I bit my lip. I couldn't answer. She wouldn't understand, and nor will she ever care..

"Of course I would care.. and if I don't understand, then make me"

I immediately looked up at her. She folded her arms and gave me a blank expression.

Of course! They can read anyone's thoughts like I can! It's been so long, I even forgot.

"Well... I..."

"Typical of you Ira. You always hide your feelings, even to those who are precious to you, lemme guess, the lucky one is the blue girl yes?"

"It's none of your business!" I snapped

We both stared at each other in silence, I looked down at my feet.

"...And... I wouldn't say lucky..."

"How so?"

"Just leave me alone Mamon, stay out of it!"

"You can't keep bottling up your feelings Ira, surely you know the consequences of that"

"W-What do you mean..?"

"The way you lashed out the other day, and that same night, you did the same and even hurt yourself"

How did she know that? Was she there? Even if she was, I would've felt her presence..

"Why did you ask about my arms... if you already knew what happened..."

"I was just testing you, seeing if you would open up to me, someone you've spent almost your whole life with. Yet, you still didn't even do that"

I stumbled to the ground and crossed my legs. I looked down, I couldn't bare to look at her face.

"....I'm sorry..."

"You hiding how you really felt resulted to your rage. But may I ask... what was bothering you?"



"You're parents? You're past?"

I nodded.

She then unfolded her arms and walked over to me. Then sat next to me, and put her hand on my shoulder

"I'm sorry" she said

"What did you do wrong?"

"I should've done something, something to help, I was watching you the entire time, as you may know, I should've said something. Or I should've said something in the past, when I had gotten the chance"

"It's not your fault... if anything... it's mine..."

"Well, it's too late to put the blame now. What's important is that you make it up to her, she needs you Ira, and I can tell that you need her too.."

I looked at her, "You aren't mad...?"

She got up and stood in front of me.

"As long as your happy, I guess that's all that matters to me" she smiled, and extended her hand out. "Come on, you'll get sick out here, and besides, I have no intention on ruining my hair any further"

I couldn't help but smile a bit. I reached for her hand and she helped me up. I leaned on her as we walked out of the alleyway and into the open air, the rain, still pouring down.

We then teleported out of sight

Hey guys! I hope that you like these two new chapters! I haven't been updating lately cause I was experiencing some writers block and I just didn't have the time. So sorry for the inconvenience! I hope to be posting more frequently and I also hope to be finishing this book by the end of my summer break!

Thank you all so much for your patience! Stay tuned for the next chapter! 😊

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