Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


     I'm having a hard internal debate with myself. I feel like one of those cartoons you see. Two angels, each sitting on a shoulder, whispering what they think I should do. One dressed in white the other in red. My angel and devil are seriously fighting for this. In a strange way, I'm rooting for both of them.

     I don't know what to say to Nate. I'm here to take care of him, not sleep with him. Molly is paying me to take care of him. It's a job, nothing else. This goes against everything I believe in. I don't sleep with my boss, or in this case the boss's brother. I don't sleep around at all. It's not a good idea, it's not smart and chances are, if I do this now, I'll do it again. I know I will, because I like him. I really like Nate but I know this will never amount to anything on his end. I saw those pictures of him and Carla online. I saw the way he looked at her. He'd never look at me that way.

     "Hey, sweetheart?" Nate sat up, suddenly our faces were so close. So incredibly close, I could kiss him without moving an inch forward. The Red angel is always so much stronger in situations like this.

     I can feel his warm breath on my face.  His eyes drop to my lips and stare. Licking his bottom lip, then biting down on it, he looks back up into my eyes. I want to nibble on his lip too. My eyes open wider, when that thought hits me.  Instantly, I'm focused on those lips. I see his lips twitch as mine mouth parts slightly and I take a deep breath. Neither of us speak for a long moment. I can't think, I can't breathe. I desperately want to kiss him. I know I shouldn't. I know it's not right, but he's so tempting. So close to me. I can almost touch my lips to his.

     Nate's eyes just keep darting from my eyes to my lips then back again. I can't tell if he feels the same way or not. He asked if I felt it earlier, that electric pulse that keeps pulling me to him. I can't deny it. I feel like I'm on fire and it's all balling up, tight and low in my belly, just waiting to be released.

       Nate's eyes follow his hand as he grazes his fingers up my arm, creating a wave of fire ripping through me followed by goosebumps. He smiles seeing my reaction to his touch, then runs those arousing fingers across my jawline, before he tucks my hair back away from my face.  He searches my face for an answer I've yet to give him. I'm tongue tied, I don't know what to say.

     His fingers stroke the base of my neck while he quietly reassures me what he's asking for. His voice is so low and sexy, it's like a soft growl, but not angry. It is deep, husky, needy even. "I'm only wanting to hold you. I'm not asking for sex, if that's what you think."

    I embarrass myself when I snort nervously at his comment, but say nothing to agree with his statement. All I can think about right now is Nate's implication of what he's not offering me. His body is so close, how I would feel to have him hold me, caress me, want me that way.

      I shouldn't be thinking of putting sex and Nate in the same thought. The heat rises from my toes up into my face, thinking how good his hand feels on my skin. I wonder if he can feel the way my skin heats to his every touch, warms with each glance my way. The dreams that I've had about him are making me ache with so much need. I haven't felt any affection from a man in a long time.

     I know he can see my embarrassment but he doesn't acknowledge it. Making the decision without my consent, Nate nods at me, seeing what I want in my eyes. Taking the pill from my hand, he grabs his water and swallows the medicine.

      Readjusting himself on the bed, Nate moves over, making room, before reaching for my hand. He's not waiting for an answer now but taking the initiative pulling me down onto his chest. He grunts once, when I accidentally kick his bad knee and I feel so bad. I know he's hurting and it's only going to be worse as the medicine wears off.

The Sweet Spot -  Strike Zone Series  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now