Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


     It was a really long day all alone once again. I haven't seen Nate or Molly in several days. Which I guess means they're done with me. I shouldn't be surprised. No one ever sticks around long. I learned a long time ago I'm not worth the effort.

     Nate said he wanted to come back the other night, but he ended up texting me that he was stuck with whatever plans he had and couldn't make it. From what I understood he had a date with his girlfriend. It's better he didn't come here. I don't want to cause him any more problems.

      Molly did come back and we had a nice dinner. We talked about her job as her brother's assistant. And everything she does for them. I guess they're really busy and keep her on her toes. She asked about me and my life. I just don't like to share my story. There's so much that is embarrassing and I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. I'm trying to do better.

      She's been really good about texting me each day for nothing more but to just say hello. But I've heard nothing from Nate. What I was feeling must have been just on my side. All those sparks were just me desperately needing a connection. I let the disappointment roll off my back. It's for the best. I just move on, and clean like crazy to keep myself busy.

      I've cleaned my house top to bottom. Washed clothes and walked the beach. I do love it here. Everything is just peaceful and relaxing, even when I have the craziness of the Segler family in my face, I don't mind. I think they mean well, especially Molly. I think she wants to be a friend. I've just never been good with making friends. I never seem to keep them. I was uprooted constantly, from one home to the next. I just didn't see a point in getting close to someone and having to say goodbye again and again.

     After having too many people bully me, take from me, and lie to me, I've given up on friendships. You can only get burned so many times before you finally learn that leaving is always best for everyone. By the time I've learned my lesson about people, I was moved again. A new home, a new family of strangers, who don't really want me, and a new round of heartache and tears. Yeah, my heart stopped believing a long time ago in trusting others or not caring to get hurt. I can only take so much.

     Sitting on my deck listening to the waves and calls of the distant seagulls, I'm trying to figure out how to use my phone. I've never had this nice or new of one before. I've got a lot to learn. There's just so much I can do on it.

      Molly loaded a few games for me and got me Netflix to actually get to watch movies and shows on. I'm gonna miss this when it's all taken from me, but I'm gonna take advantage of what I have for the moment and put it to good use. The first thing I did was work on my resume. I've got to get a job, if I want to stay here. I can't imagine Nate will want to keep paying the bills, not now that he's back to his life. I'm sure he's already forgotten about me. At the knock on the door, I turn to see the kitchen door open.

     "Hey girlie! I come bearing gifts. Well, stuff I'm letting you use until you get your own." Molly announces as she comes waltzing into the kitchen. I don't know how Molly got a key.

     I get up and walk over to help her. I grabbed a box and set it on the counter as I turned around to walk into a wall of muscle. The broad shoulders and muscular chest make me step back. My eyes widen as I look up into some beautiful blue eyes. A strong jawline, sharp features covered in scruff and those cute dimples. His face is so similar to Nate, but it's not him.

     "You remember Dillon, right? He's the oldest and bestest brother in the world." Molly grins as she hugs his waist tightly. "He's letting me use his muscles today to bring over some stuff I thought you could borrow, until you get your own."

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