Scrooge x Magica - MagicDime

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[Requested by: Pokemon_Fan1789]

Dewlicious creates a group chat called "Ships" and adds Green_Bling, Guidebook_Says and Pink_Fury.

Green_Bling: seriously Dew? first the tv show thing then this

Green_Bling: also didnt know you were a furry Webs

Guidebook_Says: Louie, that joke doesn't work in our universe.

Pink_Fury: whats a furry?

Dewlicious: STAY ON TOPIC

Green_Bling: then tell us what the topic is

Green_Bling: is this about those ships or whatever?

Dewlicious: yes

Dewlicious: now can we do this?

Guidebook_Says: Alright, what is the ship this time Dewford?

Dewlicious: i was getting to that Hubert.

Green_Bling: lets just get this over with

Green_Bling: im late for my afternoon nap

Guidebook_Says: Louie... It's morning.

Green_Bling: exactly

Guidebook_ Says: ...

Guidebook_Says: What?

Dewlicious: GUYS

Green_Bling: FINE

Green_Bling: tell us the ship

Dewlicious: its uncle Scrooge and Magica

Green_Bling: yikes

Guidebook_Says: I agree.

Pink_Fury: it would probably be a trap

Pink_Fury: she did it to uncle Gladstone once

Green_Bling: what

Dewlicious: she did?

Dewlicious: when was that?

Pink_Fury: years before you were born

Pink_Fury: i think she cursed him or something

Pink_Fury: he might have been desperate for a girlfriend

Green_Bling: sounds like him

Dewlicious: ignoring that info

Green_Bling: and future blackmail

Dewlicious: lets get back to the ship

Dewlicious: so...

Dewlicious: yay or nay

Green_Bling: eh nay

Green_Bling: if Scrooge gets married I cant get his money

Guidebook_Says: And Magica is pretty abusive. She might manipulate Scrooge.

Guidebook_Says: Or pull an evil-stepmom and ship us off to separate boarding schools.

Pink_Fury: also she's mean

Dewlicious: good points, good points

Dewlicious: i say nay because she tried to kill me

Green_Bling: valid

Green_Bling: alright im going to bed

Green_Bling logs off

Guidebook_Says: Louie, it's still morning.

Guidebook_Says: And he's offline.

A few minutes of no activity goes by.

Pink_Fury: whats a furry?

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