Gladstone x Daisy

724 11 22

Requested by: SpellFloo8896

Dewlicious - Dewey
Green_Bling - Louie
Guidebook_Says - Huey
Pink_Fury - Webby
CrashTheParty , :( , :O , :) - Launchpad
Gizmoduck - Fenton
Fethry123 - Fethry
ShadowBench - Lena
DadDadDad - Donald
AgentClean: Beakley
MoonMom - Della
Gyro - Gyro
WaddleMaker - Mark Beaks
Scrooge , Mr.McDad - Scrooge McDuck
Goldie - Goldie O'Gilt
Flinty , Duke - Flintheart Glomgold
Storkules - Storkules
MoonGoddess - Selene
ReporterDaisy - Daisy
LuckyGoose - Gladstone

ReporterDaisy logs on

LuckyGoose logs on

ReporterDaisy: you can't run, Gladstone, I already saw you

LuckyGoose: lucky me

Dewlicious: what is happening?

Guidebook_Says: you know each other?

Green_Bling: is this some kind of resentment or...?

LuckyGoose: Daisy is my... ex

ReporterDaisy: yup

Dewlicious: did you end on bad terms or...

Mr.McDad: did she leave you frozen in ice for years??

LuckyGoose: 1) i didn't even know you were online, moneybags

LuckyGoose: 2) who hurt you?

Green_Bling: don't get him started

Mr.McDad: well, it all started...

Gyro temporarily blocks Mr.McDad from the chat

Green_Bling: thanks Gyro

LuckyGoose: okay?

LuckyGoose: anyway, me and Daisy didn't end so badly

ReporterDaisy: are you kidding me?! You called me a bitch and I threw a vase at you

LuckyGoose: its better than most of my other breakups

Green_Bling: what breakups have you had??

LuckyGoose: I have found out my girlfriend was a witch by almost falling to my death, had my life and luck almost drained out of me, was almost smited by lightning, etc.

Dewlicious: wait, wait, wait

Dewlicious: you dated Zues?

3 hours later...


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