Donald x Daisy

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Requested by: SpellFloo8896

AN: Honestly this is a touch bit sad but mostly sweet.

Dewlicious - Dewey
Green_Bling - Louie
Guidebook_Says - Huey
Pink_Fury - Webby
CrashTheParty , :( , :O , :) - Launchpad
Gizmoduck - Fenton
Fethry123 - Fethry
ShadowBench - Lena
DadDadDad - Donald
AgentClean: Beakley
MoonMom - Della
Gyro - Gyro
WaddleMaker - Mark Beaks
Scrooge , Mr.McDad - Scrooge McDuck
Goldie - Goldie O'Gilt
Flinty , Duke - Flintheart Glomgold
Storkules - Storkules
MoonGoddess - Selene
ReporterDaisy - Daisy

MoonMom adds ReporterDaisy to the chat

ReporterDaisy: aw is this the family group chat?

Green_Bling: Aunt Daisy!

Dewlicious: Daisy!!!

ReporterDaisy: hey kids, got into any trouble lately?

Green_Bling: i almost destroyed time and space

Green_Bling: and stole uncle Scrooge's money

ReporterDaisy: rad!

DadDadDad: hey Daisy, hows the girls?

ReporterDaisy: theyre doing alright, high school is tough on them but they can handle it

ReporterDaisy: and you should see the paintings my wife has been making

ReporterDaisy: now, what have i missed

MoonMom: oh nothing much

MoonMom: just Donald is engaged!

ReporterDaisy: WHAT

MoonMom: yeah!

DadDadDad: im considering marrying him, not technically engaged

ReporterDaisy: I'm so happy for you, Donald!

Dewlicious: um, aunt Daisy, uncle Donald... is it true you used to date?

DadDadDad: oh, that was a long time ago...

ReporterDaisy: we were in high school... sometimes i miss those days

DadDadDad: me too...

MoonMom: but you two are both happy where you are right?

DadDadDad: of course!

ReporterDaisy: I would never give up this job for anything

Guidebook_Says: please tell me you two aren't gonna run off together or something...

DadDadDad: no, no, no, the past is the past. We've moved on... thats just how life works...

ReporterDaisy: yeah...

ReporterDaisy: anywho, i should go...

DadDadDad: yeah, me too...

ReporterDaisy logs out

DadDadDad logs out

Guidebook_Says: mom, are they actually happy?

MoonMom: of course, huey... its just sometimes we think about what could've been...

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