Flintheart x Scrooge - McGold

910 14 38

Requested by: LPSKodahYT

Dewlicious - Dewey
Green_Bling - Louie
Guidebook_Says - Huey
Pink_Fury - Webby
CrashTheParty , :( , :O , :) - Launchpad
Gizmoduck - Fenton
Fethry123 - Fethry
ShadowBench - Lena
DadDadDad - Donald
AgentClean: Beakley
MoonMom - Della
Gyro - Gyro
WaddleMaker - Mark Beaks
Scrooge , Mr.McDad - Scrooge McDuck
Goldie - Goldie O'Gilt
Flinty , Duke - Flintheart Glomgold

Flintheart is old right? And Scrooge met him when [Flintheart] was a child right? So how old is Scrooge??

Dewlicious adds Flinty to the chat

Mr.McDad: First one ex now two?

Dewlicious: wait what

Flinty: hello scroogey

Mr.McDad: Glomgold

Guidebook_Says: you two used to date??

Green_Bling: ew

Green_Bling: Huey, i swear if you ask about a meet cute

Guidebook_Says: ... i wasnt going to

Pink_Fury: i didnt know you two dated

Pink_Fury: i need to add this to my notes on the family!

Mr.McDad: lass, its not that interesting

Mr.McDad: i honestly regret having those drinks

Flinty: its not me fault you got drunk!

DadDadDad: drink responsibly, kids

MoonMom: so thats why they call you dad

DadDadDad: also i raised them, della

MoonMom: true true

Green_Bling: TROOM TROOM

Flinty: speaking of shocking revelations

Dewlicious: what

Green_Bling: you know big boy words?

Flinty changes his nickname to Duke

Pink_Fury: huh?

Mr.McDad: *war flashbacks*

Mr.McDad logs off

Dewlicious: did uncle Scrooge?? just meme??

Green_Bling: *wipes away tear* they grow up so fast

ShadowBench: they get even older

Guidebook_Says to Duke: was there a meet-cute?

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