Fenton x Mark Beaks - Waddle Duck

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Requested by: Minecraftkunoichi

There is a part with flowers. I tried my best to symbolize something with them, but I'm no florist so excuse any mistakes.

Gizmoduck: does anyone know how to file a restraining order?

Mr.McDad: i can help you lad

Mr.McDad: know all the forms like the back of my hand now

Gyro: why would you need one, intern?

Gizmoduck: Mark Beaks wont stop sending me bouquets

Gizmoduck: its really weird

Guidebook_Says: what are the flowers?

Gizmoduck sends a picture

Pink and yellow carnations, purple hyacinth, rhododendron, violet [its supposed to represent a pretty unhealthy obsession with someone]

Guidebook_Says: oh boy

Guidebook_Says: maybe you should stay at the mansion for awhile?

Mr.McDad: what for, lad?

Gizmoduck: how bad is it huey?

Guidebook_Says: I don't think Mark Beaks has good intentions

Gyro: I agree with the kid, Beaks seems to either want to own you or kill you

Gyro: neither are very good

Gizmoduck: you could say that again!

Gyro: don't know why i would

Mr.McDad: Gyro, have you been using your cards?

Gyro: ugh, yes dad

Gizmoduck: me and m'mma are packing our things

Gizmoduck: we heard someone in the backyard so we're taking up that offer huey

Gizmoduck: tho ma is sure she could just shoot anyone that comes near us

Gizmoduck: wait, gyro did you call Mr. McDuck dad??

Gyro: no

Gyro logs off because he has better stuff to do

Guidebook_Says: did he code a log off message for himself?

Gizmoduck: thats gyro for you

The chat goes silent. Across the manor in a small office an older duck sits at his desk, a small smile on his beak as he turns off his phone.

"Dad, huh?" he chuckles to himself. "Oh Gyro..."

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