Shining [5]

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by ѕαкυяα

"What are you doing here in my room?" I asked surprised.

Taehyung was sitting on my bed, legs crossed with a grim look on his face.

"Just came to see you." he said "Or do I need permission to do so?" he said with rage in his voice. He was pissed for God knows what reason.

"Well its my room and you should at least ask me before-" I was harshly cut of by him.

"Oh so now I need permissions to even enter my wife's  room? But as long as I can remember you never even bother to ask for permission while roaming throughout the town with some guy." he asked raising his voice at me.

I just couldn't make a head or tail of the situation that was arising. And roaming with a guy?

Was he talking about Jungkook?

"You just can't put a blame on me like this. He is my friend from childhood. Don't talk shit about the person you don't even know anything about." I raised my voice too. I had had enough of this 'alibis'.

"Listen here Kim Yoona, I have a reputation in this society and you are hear to make it appear fair and scandal free. So anything scandalous happens, I won't tolerate it a bit. So tell your little childhood friend to find another whore." that bastard stood up from my bed. 

Tears started to form in my eyes. What coming out of his mouth was straight hitting my heart. But I couldn't be vulnerable; not in front of him. I had to be strong. I won't let him know that his words were affecting me in any way. I won't be weak anymore.

I controlled my tears and calmly stated "Please don't compare me with your characteristics. I know what kind of mentality you have. But please don't think me as you."  

"You are not worth anything." with that he went towards my bedside table where a box was neatly placed.

The box which contained a pendant with a purple gem.

He took the box and took the pendent out of it gripping it firmly.

A very faint purple tinted light fell on his face reflecting from the purple gem. In that faint light I saw his eyes; his eyes only holding coldness.

But his next action took me by surprise. He threw the pendant out of the window.

"Hey, why did you do that?" I was beyond angry. 

"I bought it so you are no one to decide what to so with that. You are not worth it any way." he said making me hurt and angry. 

Who was he to step into my boundaries?

I rushed out of the room leaving him alone. 

I straight went downstairs and to the main door which was locked already.

"Sana, open the door." the maid named Sana came immediately. 

"Umm- mam may I-" I harshly cut her off which was a rare for me.

"Open the damn door." 

Upon seeing my red eyes Sana quickly opened the door. I immediately got out even forgetting about my bare foot. 

It was very cold outside as the breathes were being foggy. The chilly breeze was making me shiver. Neither had I proper warm clothing nor was there any shoes in my feet. 

Despite the fact that there might be stones or glass pieces that might harm me I started running towards the rear of the house.

This whole situation was terrible.

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