Jealous [13]

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By ѕαкυяα

"Didn't expected it to be Yoongi." Jin said and as if on reflex Tae and I detached our hands. 

"From what I have seen until now, all the duo did was giving each other piercing gazes and glaring daggers at each other. Do you know anything about it?" Jin said turning towards me.

"Well it has a long story though. They actually are not on a good terms." I gave tight lip smile.

"I guess we should not interfere at their personal things." Taehyung said startling me a bit. I looked at his side profile as he was standing beside me and suddenly memories from moments ago occurred into mind.

I blushed again. But why did I do it? Why did I let my guards down? But his lips are so addicting, unresistable-

"Hey, long time no see." A very cheerful voice snapped me back.

"Oh hey Hoseok, how have you been?" Jin asked and I took a better look at the man. He seems familiar!

"I am good Jin. Oh! my bro Taetae is here too. How are you?" the man said being overly excited.

I can practically sense a scowl forming on Taehyung's face not even looking at him.

"I am fine." Taehyung said in pretty annoyed tone.

"And Hoseok, this is Yoona, wife of Taehyung. Yoona meet Hoseok, our cousin." 

"Hello nice to meet you Mrs. Kim. Well have we met before by any chance?" Hoseok said.

"Well I was assuming this too." I said with a smile.

"Do you by any chance was a student of the 'Tomorrow' dance  academy?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah I was. Wait  Hoseok, as in Jung Hoseok?  You were my dance partner, weren't you?" I replied with excitement. 

"Yes yes, Yoona. Oh my! Its been awhile. I couldn't even recognise you now Yoona." Hoseok said with a bright smile.

"Wow, never thought I would get to meet you again, in such an unexpected way." I smiled.

"So you two know each other?" Jin asked.

"Actually Hoseok used to be my dance partner in my dancing academy. Though he is older but we became good friends. But then we both changed our paths and got detach." I said.

"And now it turned out that you are my cousin brother's wife." Hoseok said giving me short hug.

But I could feel a stare, a very strong stare boring holes at me. 

"So what are you doing now?" I asked "Hobi " As I uttered the nickname I can practically sense someone's piercing gaze and I do know who it is. But why?

"I am a dance instructor, but I am trying to find a job in a company as a dance choreographer." Hoseok said.

"Jin, can you please come here?" Eunbin asked approaching us and Jin left with her.

"So how is life going? Got a girlfriend?" I asked wiggling my eye brows. In our academy every girl used to fall for his charms. Like who can resist that sunshine laugh.

"Nah, and don't think I will ever find one. But I have to admit that it was quite unexpected." He said and I frowned.

"What unexpected?" I asked.

"You and Taehyung marrying. At least Taehyung found interest in someone finally." he laughed.

"Dude, I thought you are gonna die single only by drowning in stacks of papers." Hoseok said turning towards Taehyung.

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