Apology [32]

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By ѕαкυяα

A hand was placed on my shoulder making me jump and turn around quickly.

"Oh you scared me." I breathed in relief watching it was Yoongi.

"Did you come here to visit mom?" I asked internally hoping for a positive answer.

"I don't think this is necessary to know Yoona. But why can I see dried tears stain on my little sisters face?" he asked and I looked away.

"It's nothing." I couldn't let him know.

"Taehyung called me." His words only confirmed what I feared. Was he not satisfied anough? He had to call my oppa to buy sympathy?


"He told me you ran out of house and your mobile was unreachable." He put his right arm over my right shoulder side hugging me a little. In others point of view this might not seem comforting enough but this was a little thing shared between the Min siblings. We found comfort in our own way.

"I- I was- he-"I couldn't complete my words as tears started to pour out. I hugged Yoongi tightly.

"It's okay. Cry as much as you want because after your crying session I had to knock some sense in your mind." this is the Yoongz way of comforting his crying sister.

"How did you know I am here?" I asked rubbing my nose on his sleeve. If it was some other time curses would be spitted from his mouth like a fountain.

"I know my sis. I know where she can go when she is angry on someone she loves." Yoongi said making me frown.

"Someone I love? But I was- WHAT! I don't love him." I yelled a little.

"Had I mentioned any 'him'?" his voice was grave yet I can feel the hint of banter in it.

"Are you here to comfort me or make the situation miserable oppa?" I asked with a straight face and a laugh was emitted from his mouth.

"I haven't even done anything and you yourself fell in your own trap. Yoona do you remember once you said denial on the decision of your heart only leads someone to distress? When you were trying to convince me about my feelings for Megan I had actually listened to you for once and asked her out yesterday-"I squealed in joy didn't even letting him finish.

"How could you hide such thing from me? Oh my God. My brother finally found a girlfriend. Congrats! My ship sailed. I played the best Cupid role ever." I happily announced momentarily forgetting all my sorrow.

"Thanks but that's not the point of my saying what I am trying to say is that you should listen to your own saying as well. Yoona you are hurting yourself by not accepting what your heart wants." his words hit me like cold ice.

"I know. I know I was denying but not anymore oppa. I had accepted it long time ago. I had accepted my heart." I looked at him sadly smiling.

"Then why are you hurting?"

"It's him oppa. It's him who is hurting me. He never really gives me any chance to explain. I am really tired of his supremacy. One time he acts like I mean something and the other time he acts like I don't even exist. What can I do?" my inside again felt like it was being crushed. Saying it in words added more sorrow in the pain.

"But running away isn't a solution. Talk with him. I know it's all because of a contract but you have to live with him Yoona. So running away might be a temporary escape but not a way out." he said.

"I feel like I have knocked enough sense in your brain and Taehyung's too-"

"You have talked to Taehyung?" I widened my eyes.

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