Dance and champagne [12]

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By ѕαкυяα

".....Once again I want to thank everyone who came here. I am extremely glad to come back to Korea again. I hope the future holds something good for us. Thank you everyone." Jin rose his glass and everyone cheered.

Through the speech get to know about Seokjin. He is a professor and he went to Russia for his internship in a famous university. There he met Eunbin and started dating. Eunbin is a doctor and half British. Her English name is Scarlet After few years of dating they got married. 

I was standing there with a glass of champagne. Beside me was Taehyung with another glass of champagne.

"Hey why are you not dancing." Eunbin approached us along with Jin.

"Uh- wasn't feeling like." I tried to avoid it. I don't want to dance with Taehyung.

"Nope, you have to dance." Jin and Eunbin both said.

"I don't see any crucial reason for dancing-" Jin cut tae off. 

"Stop with you bullshit and go dance with her. I didn't raised you to act like a non ideal husband." Jin said sternly and Taehyung obeyed! WOw!

"Lets go and dance." he said in a annoying tone. 

"Yah you brat! Didn't  I taught you to be a gentleman." Jin said and Tae rolled his eyes.

"Will you dance with me?" Tae said holding his hands towards me and glaring towards Jin. Maybe Jin is the only one who can control Tae.

Despite having no interest I still took his hand surprising him. Maybe he assumed that I would reject his offer. But I love being a tease. Not everything goes your way Kim Taehyung.

We headed towards the dance floor where couples were ball dancing. I thought he would just put his distance with me while dancing but instead he pulled me and I landed on his hard chest. 

He put one of his hand on my waist and another one held my one hand, interlocking our fingers. I was beyond surprised. And my heartbeat could be heard from miles away. I just wish he doesn't notice my excessive flustered state with rosy cheeks and an incredibly rapid beating heart. 

I tried to avoid his eyes but he just made it difficult. He took my free hand and placed it gently on his shoulder. His touch was feather like yet managed to ran shivers down my spine.

An unknown feeling made its way up to my heart, that unknown feeling which I  wanted to avoid, at all cost. 

I looked at him. His captivating malicious yet charming eyes. No words can ever be able to describe how beautiful they are. One could just sink into them.

"Are you here to just stand still and stare at my face." His deep voice took me back into reality.

"Not like I am willing to do so." I said looking away.

"But there is no choice left, either you dance willingly or I have to force you, because I cant risk my reputation in front of everyone." he said, voice emotionless.

"Are You scared that your façade will blow up? or-" You truly want to dance with me.

"I would be grateful if you shut that mouth of yours and start dancing. I don't have any desire to hold you for long." he said leaning a bit, his breathe fanning against my lips and I looked at his lips.

No they are not plump, neither glossy. They are slightly dry with a natural hue. But I still find it attractive because

 not all the things are perfect like tales. Scars do look beautiful.

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