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I took Felix out for food, we went to this cool 90's themed burger place just down the street from the dorms.

I ordered a ton of food and Felix only ordered a milkshake and fries. It saddened me how Felix doesn't eat much, but he's always been like this. I can't force him to eat like me, but I've tried to increase his appetite.

That's why I take him to the gym with me, so as he uses his energy, he'll need more food to keep him going, but I guess tonight was one of those nights when Felix just can't eat. It usually has something to do with his stress. Felix doesn't like to eat when he has a lot on his mind.

I guess this performance is really getting to him. I don't get it though Felix is so talented and so amazing how can he fault himself, he's perfect..

"Felix do you want a bit of my burger, it's really good.."

"Uh I'm alright Chan, but thanks for asking"

Felix went back to nibbling on his fries and sipping on his milkshake. He looked so innocent and cute. The way his bright big eyes would wonder around the restaurant made him look so adorable.

"Come on lix you can't just eat fries and a milkshake.."

"Chan I said I'm fine.."

Felix was getting a bit annoyed at me now, but I didn't care. I only care about Felix's health, I don't want him getting sick because he isn't eating.

"No lix you need to eat more. I know something is on your mind, you can tell me. We're best friends remember"

Felix looked down at his hands and he was fiddling with his fingers. He slowly raised his head and gave me a sad smile.

"I'm sorry Chan, I just got a little hot headed. I just have a lot going on in my head right now and this performance is making me nervous.. Chan I'm not sure if I'm good enough to be in stray kids anymore.."

His words were so painful to here. My heart aches as they left his mouth. He smiled at me but I could see the pain in his eyes as his chuckle was staggered.

There was a small silence between us. I was just looking at him, his face, his eye, his freckles. Everything was so perfect, so why did he think otherwise?

"You're wrong.."


"Felix you're so wrong. Don't think like that. You ARE good enough, actually you are the best. Felix you have this amazing natural talent, you're a born performer. Felix why do you think you're not good enough?"

My words were soft and careful as I took his small hand in mine. I didn't want to scare Felix. He was too fragile to me.

"Chan.. I'm the one who always has to stay behind after rehearsals just so I know the choreography, I'm always the one has to stay in the back of every performance because I'm not loved by the fans, I'm always the one who has the shortest lines. Chan it would be better for me if I just left, no one would miss me anyway.."


I just did it..

I shouted at Felix, I couldn't hide my emotions. They just came out.


Everyone in the restaurant was looking at us. I couldn't take so I grabbed Felix's hand and ran out, of course I payed. I just couldn't be in public anymore. I wasn't able to hold on my emotions.

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