Brace Yerself

69 8 4

Hola Mishamigos,

This is meh, a.k.a yer author who has to let ya know that this book is prolly the craziest mess you're gonna read. Nope. I'm not kiddin'. This basically has anything and everything I wanna talk about, without a filter, mind you. I may harshly criticize or harshly ridicule myself, but, bear with me; this is about all the shit that matters or bothers meh. And, if it is any consolation to ya poor wee little readers who actually wanna scar their minds by reading this, let meh tell you that every rant will definitely have references, 'cause my life ain't no life without 'em.

That's it.

I hope ye brave souls survive.

Peace out mah glitter babes!

P.S. Thanks for readin' this.

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