The Biggest Mess

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Let's do this.

Noice and smort.




You didn't understand a word, did ya?

Let's do this once more.

I had this one friend who lied to me and ditched me every time she found someone new and then she came back to me saying she loves me only to leave me over and over again.

Like, don't I matter? I am an alien from Planet Supernatural, ya mutton-headed numbskull! I got 'em feelings too. But jokes aside, it really does feel like your heart getting ripped outta your chest and then eaten by a Wakwak (this isn't a joke, I'm dead honest here.. Turns out, Wakwak is actually a thing.. Someone call Sam, Dean, Cas and Jack). It hurts like a bitch.

But here's the thing. I'm thankful to her that she supported me when I was an emotional earthquake, she calmed me down when I had fits of anger, she introduced me to Wattpad, and that's great.

But she also lied constantly. She did stuff like accidentally blurt out her brother's best friend's name and say that she shouldn't have said that (oh, and all this over Instagram chats, yeah, texting and accidentally blurting.. It's a bit too believable). See, ya don't wanna tell me? Fine. It's your thing. I can accept it. But when your entire life sounds like a very miserable mashup of typical Wattpad chick-flicks, it's just maddening.

Oh, and before I forget, I got to tell you about the way she sticks to MY best friend just gets meh to a different level of angry.

I admit it.

I'm a jealous bitch when it comes to my best mates, so when she comes up to them like a parasitic worm, it just annoys meh to the core.

No, really.

Back off, dude. They're MINE.

And, in the end,

"Turns out that no one can replace meh..

I'm permanent, you can't erase meh!"

LOVE YOU 3000..

Peace out, glitter freaks!

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