Chapter 10

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My legs have turned jelly and my stomach have given up its appetite.
"Mark, it's okay just calm down"

"No I can't Nat. We are doing rehearsal today.. and it's just...
You know what If it didn't work, he'll just ignores me throughout it"

Nat's features changed from worried to sad smile.
She reached out and grab my hand
"Just trust me. Will ya?"

She tighten her grip on my hand.

I smile at her.
"I do. It's just that what if he didn't came here? All of the plan will get ruin"

"Siwat, he will.I run into him everytime I'm here"

Yes, we are in university common cafeteria. According to James, Saint usually comes here to have breakfast.

Well yes, even I should have known that but the thing is I was busy attending events and hardly did I came to uni so my dear friend James use to somewhat stalk Saint for my sake and rarely even eats with them.
And I was jealous as hell when he said that.

"Can I atleast get to know what the plan is?"
I'm annoying they aren't telling me a single thing.

Just trust us..

Trust us..

Will they just let me get prepared for what's coming next!

Suddenly they both got stiff. Someone is coming in this direction I can't see who? as my back is facing that direction.
But judging by their reactions. That's definitely is Saint.

My stomach is into puddle and my hands sweating like river.

Nat mumbled something into James ears. He nods and is out of his seat.

"Get ready"
Nat whispers to me.
I took a deep breathing and started conversation with Nat about study.
But swearing I can hear my heart beats in my ear drum.

"Hey guys you won't mind if P'saint and p'top  joint us for breakfast?"
James says trying to sound casual

"Yaa sure ..."
Nat gives me a look

James quickly takes a seat next to Nat and p'top  seats next to me.
P'saint is looks confuse as to where to seat so james just pull him to sit next to him.

"Hi nong"
He says casually. As if its not a big deal.
But it is I can feel the tension.

"Fine. Uh.. how are you?"
I said giving a smile.

"He is fine but I'm not... can we just go get our food.. Saint coming with me?"
P'top interrupting

"Why dont we two go and get for everybody else what they want?"
James got up from his seat took everybody's order, dragging p'top from his seat and then they left..
Now its only me, Saint and Nat.

Nat wave at someone.
"I will be right back. My friend is calling me"
She gave a apologizing face to Saint. And got up out of her seat gave me a thumbs up and left.

Its only me and him here. I guess that's the plan.
I dont know what's yo say.
We both seat silencely for few seconds.
"Who is she?"
He asks

"Oh yaa, I forgot to introduce you both. She is Nat my bestfriend"

"And James?Is he not a bestfriend?"

"No.. uh they both are my bestfriends can't compare"
I gave him a hard look

"Good thing.."
He said ending the conversation. But I dont want to end it.
What should I say?..

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