Chapter 9

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When I heard that Niall was going to take Becca out to dinner, I decided that I should try to make my move with Angelica. So, I dressed up really nice and had roses ordered with a note attached saying, "Be ready by 7:30. And wear something nice! xxZayn."

Once I was all ready, I went down the hall to Angelica's room. I had a single red rose in my hand to give to her so I knocked on the door and waited. When I heard the doorknob turn, I stood up straighter and held the rose behind my back. When she finally opened the door, I swear my jaw hit the floor and my heart stopped.

Angelica was dressed in an elegant dark blue mid-thigh dress with black heels. She had pearls around her neck and diamond earrings dangling from her earlobes. She twirled and said, "Is this good, or should I change?" I shook my head and said,"Angelica if you change, I would be very disappointed. You are so gorgeous right now. I don't think I deserve to be with a woman of such beauty." I saw her blush and she said, "Thank you. Let me just grab my purse and we shall be off.”

When she was ready, I escorted her to a black stretch limo waiting outside the hotel. There were fans and paparazzi everywhere taking pictures and asking who the dark haired beauty by my side was. We ignored them and got in the limo. We were taken to a fancy 5 star restraint and was escorted to our private room. I saw Angelica take in her surroundings and she looked at me and said, “Zayn, I-I don’t know what to say. This is really romantic and thoughtful.”

Then she put her arms around me and hugged me. When I hugged her back, I whispered in her ear, “Anything for a woman as special as you.” We then sat down and ate our meal. When we were sharing a piece of cheesecake, she looked at me under her long lashes and I wish I knew what she was thinking.

When she saw me looking at her, she slowly smiled and I smiled back. I said, “Did you enjoy your meal?” she laughed and said, “Zayn, of course I did. I will enjoy anything as long as I'm doing it with the one I love.” She kinda mumbled the last part maybe thinking I wouldn’t hear but I did. Those words made my heart swell. I didn’t think this night could get any better.

When we were ready, we went to a drive in movie theater. I pulled out the chairs and the blankets. I asked Angelica, “Would you rather lay on the ground or use the chairs?” She thought for a moment and then replied, “On the ground if you don’t mind.”

So I put the chairs back in the trunk and spread out the blankets on the ground. Once they were situated to our liking, Angelica sat down and I sat next to her. About halfway through the movie, she decided to lay down. So, I decided to lay down next to her and she scooted closer to me and used me as a pillow. I put my arms around her and held her.

When the movie was almost over I asked her if she wanted anything from the snack bar but when she didn’t answer I saw that she was sleeping. I smiled to myself and pulled a blanket over us. Once the movie ended, I carried her to the car and put her in the backseat so she didn’t have to wake her up. I packed up the blankets and went to the drivers seat.

As I got in the car, I saw that Angelica was up and sitting in the front seat. I looked at her and said, “Nice nap?” She just laughed and nodded. She said, “I don’t remember what the movie was about at all. I guess I was a little too comfortable.” I chuckled and replied, “I didn’t mind at all. And by the way, you look really beautiful in your sleep.” She whispered her thanks and sighed.

I asked her if anything was wrong. She shook her head and said, “I just wish this night didn’t have to end. I had an amazing time tonight with you. I mean, who would have thought that I would be going on a date with Zayn Malik??” I turned the car off and turned to her.

I said, “I am glad to hear that you had a great time. I just wanted to treat you like the princess you are. Since the first time I saw you in Chicago during the concert, I knew you would be someone special. I felt a connection that I’ve never had with anybody else and I knew I had to get to know you better. That’s part of the reason I had the security guards ask you if you guys had a van so I could be near you. I'm falling for you hard and I would be honored to have you by my side and be my girl. Will you?”

With my heart in her hands, I held my breath for her answer. She looked at me with a small smile on her face, she said, “Zayn, I have loved you since I first found about One Direction. I just don’t know if it would work out since we live two totally different lives. But for now, yes. I would love to be your girl.” I was ecstatic. I looked into her eyes and on impulse I put my hands on either side of her face and pulled her in for a kiss.

When we pulled away, I said, “Plus, I think dimples are a turn on,” and kissed her again. God was she a beauty. She said, “We better head back. It’s getting pretty late, Mr.Malik.” I sighed and started to drive back to the hotel. When we got there, I walked her to her room and kissed her on the cheek before saying goodnight.

I said, “O parting is such sweet sorrow.” She laughed and said, “Well see each other in the morning Romeo. Night.” Then we went into our rooms. I immediately got an interrogation from Liam, Louis, and Harry. I told them everything and they said that I did well. I told them to go away because I was tired and needed to go to bed so I could dream of my one and only love.

Perfect Love: Part oneWhere stories live. Discover now