Chapter 10

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When Niall said we were going to management, I was kinda scared to see what he was planning. When we pulled up to a large gray building, we got out and started walking towards it. I grabbed Niall’s hand and held on. He looked at our entwined fingers and smiled at me. God, he has such an adorable smile!

We walked into the elevator and Niall pressed the button for the 7th floor. We got off and we walked up to the secretary and Niall started whispering to the lady. She looked my way, smiled, then looked back at Niall. She nodded at something he said and wrote something down. I heard Niall thank the lady and he walked towards me. He said, “We have a meeting first thing here tomorrow morning. Nervous?” I nodded my head vigorously and said, “Nialler, when you plan something, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good idea!!” He laughed and pulled me back to the car.

We headed back to the hotel and he walked me up to my room. When we were outside my door I turned to him and said, “I had an amazing time tonight with you Niall. Just cant wait for what tomorrows meeting is about.” Niall just smiled and said, “Darling, you have nothing to worry about. I don’t know if I told you but you are really beautiful.” I smiled and said thanks.

Then Niall came closer and kissed me. It was so tender and there was so much feeling between us in just that first kiss. The kiss deepened and I think I lost my heart. We pulled apart I laid my head against his shoulder. He pulled me in for a hug and I just melted in to him.

It felt so right. I never wanted to leave his arms. I felt safe when he held me. I looked up at him and said, “Nialler, I’ve decided that I don’t care what tomorrow brings. I just want to focus on us and live in the now. So to answer your question from earlier, I would love to be your girl.” He smiled real wide and twirled me around.

He kissed me again and said, “Goodnight, Squirt.” I laughed and said, “Night, Leprechaun.” I opened my door and walked inside. When I shut the door and locked it, I heard footsteps running and saw Gel running towards me. I said, “Whoa there speedy. Slow down!!” She stopped right in front of me and dragged me to the couch in the living room. She told me about her night with Zayn and so in turn I told her about my night with Niall.

I also told her that he had a meeting planned for us with management in the morning that I was not looking forward to. Gel said, “Sounds like we really did get lucky during these past few days.” I chuckled and said “Well, I'm beat so I'm going to hit the hay.”After changing into sweats and a t-shirt, I climbed into bed and Gel did the same. I drifted off to sleep thinking about the nights events.

When I finally opened my eyes the next morning, I rolled over and saw several faces looming over me. I screamed and ended up falling off the bed. I pulled myself up, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and turned to see Gel, Niall, Louis, and Zayn in my room. I said, “Can’t I get some privacy???? Yeesh. What a way to wake up in the morning.”

Louis laughed and said, “Love, when you stay with us, its always like this!” I sighed and said, “Well, let me make myself decent and we can leave for our meeting.” Once the others had left, I went to my suitcase and grabbed my jean shorts with my favorite Cardinals jersey. I saw my ball cap lying on the dresser and grabbed it, putting it on backwards. I put on some jewelry and headed out to where the others were waiting.

Gel did a once over and said. “You would never guess we were best friends.” I frowned and didn’t get what she was saying until I looked at her outfit. She was decked out in Cubs gear. I said, “I would give you a hug but I don’t want my jersey to get tainted.” Niall laughed and came by my side. He whispered in my ear, “I don’t have a favorite team but the Cardinals seem like a good choice since my girl seems to like them.” I laughed and said, “Wise choice bud. Wise choice.”

Zayn looked at his phone and said, “Let’s go get Harry and Liam and head to management.” We met them by the van and drove to management. Once we were inside and in the meeting room, we all sat down and looked expectantly at Simon.

Simon cleared his throat and said, “Well, it came to my attention that Niall wants to make Becca part of the touring team. He stated that she could be a backstage person and help out. You all know we could the extra pair of hands. So if it’s all right with you guys, I would like to hire her onto the One Direction staff.” I looked at Gel and saw her looking down at the floor. I said, “If you don’t mind, I have something to say.”

When Simon nodded his head, I said, “Well, I understand what you are trying to do for me. But what about Angelica? I would love to have her come with us and be on the team too. I guess what I'm saying is that it will be both of us or neither of us.” Gel looked at me, her eyes wide, and said, “Becca, I wouldn’t want to ruin anything for you. Take this opportunity. I can take care of myself in college.” I started shaking my head and said, “Angelica, we have been through so much together. I would feel bad if I were to do this and not experience it with you. You have always been there for me and I want to always be there for you.”

Simon said, “I hate to interrupt, but I don’t think it would be too much of a hassle to hire you both. Under a few conditions of course. The boys have to ok it first.” I looked at Niall ay he said, “I think we would all be making a very dumb decision if we were to turn down the help of these two ladies. I'm all for it.”

Slowly the others nodded their agreement. Simon said, “Well I just have to get the correct paperwork for them to sign and email them to their parents so they can sign them as well. Ill be right back.” Once he left the room, I looked at Gel and she walked over to where I was sitting by Niall. Niall got up so Gel could sit down and he went to sit by Zayn.

Gel turned to me and said “I can't believe you did that!! I mean you could have gone without me but you chose not to go it alone.” I said, “I could never leave you. You’re my sister and my best friend. Ill always be there for you.” Then I hugged her.

Just then Simon walked in and me and Gel a stack of papers that we had to sign and initial in several places. When we were done, he said that he was going to have them emailed to our parents because they had to sign it also. I sighed and pulled out my phone to call my mom.  She answered after several rings and asked how we were doing. I told her everything, including the stuff about them hiring us. She asked me if I knew how long it was going to be for and I said that I'm pretty sure until One Direction doesn’t need us anymore.

She sighed and said, “Well I don’t like it but if it’s a job and I know you girls love this opportunity then I won’t stop you. We miss you guys.” I replied, “Thanks mom. We miss you too. Ill let you talk to Gelly. Love you.” I handed the phone to Gel and they talked for a few minutes. Gel handed me my phone when she was done and said, “They approve.” I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Niall came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders and spun me around. I looked into his blue eyes and slowly smiled. He said whispering, “Well, I think you’re stuck with me forever. So what do you say? Will I get the privilege of making you my girlfriend?”

I put my hands on either side of his face and I pulled his face towards mine and gently kissed him. I whispered, “Yes. I would love to be you’re girlfriend Mr.Horan.” He smiled and kissed me again. I pulled back and laughed when Harry yelled, “Get a room!” I interlaced my fingers with Niall’s and smiled and said, “Let’s get out of here for a few hours before your concert tonight.” I pulled us to the car waiting outside and told the driver to go to the nearest private park.

I snuggled up with Niall during the ride up there. One time I caught him looking at me and asked him what he was thinking about. He said, “How beautiful you are. I'm a lucky man.” I giggled and sat up. I turned to him and said, “You lucky? How do you think I feel? I have been dreaming about dating you since forever but always knew it was a pipe dream. But now? I believe anything is possible if you believe it is.”

He said, “I like your logic,” and kissed my forehead. I sighed and happily leaned my head against his shoulder.

Perfect Love: Part oneWhere stories live. Discover now