Chapter 12

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When we arrived at the park, it was around 3. We grabbed a blanket and spread it out on the grass. I laid down on it and looked up at the beautiful sky. I felt Niall lay down next to me and he pulled me to his side and I put my head on his arm. He asked me, “Is this the first time for you? You know having a significant other?” I said, “Yeah, it is. But I think I made a good choice in waiting.”

He whispered, “It’s mine too.” I looked over at him and said, “Are you afraid? Because I will never leave you. I’ve waited too long for Mr. Right and I think I have finally found him.” I kissed his cheek. He said, “Me too. I love you, Becca.” I said, “I love you too, Nialler.”

He turned to face me and kissed me with such tenderness I thought I might explode with happiness. I kissed him back and deepened the kiss.

Soon, he was on top of me and gently planting little teasing kisses all along my neck and exposed shoulder blades. I arched my neck to give him better access. He stopped and looked at me and had a questionable look on his face.

I grabbed his shoulders and brought him closer to me and said, “If you don’t want to, we can wait.” I kissed him with so much passion; I'm surprised we didn’t burn up from the heat of it. He said, “Oh I want to. I'm just afraid I’ll hurt you.”

Just then my phone went off. I had a text message. I groaned and Niall moved aside so I could see who it was. It was Gel texting me to see if we could have some girl time before the concert tonight. I sighed and replied back saying sure and that I’ll be there as soon as I could. Niall said, “Well, the moment has been ruined.”

He made a pouty face and I laughed. I told him that I'm sure there will be many more moments in the future. So we walked to the car and he drove me to the hotel. We held as hands as we walked up to Gel’s room. I kissed him and said, “I’ll see you at the concert later.” I opened the door and walked in. I heard noises in the living room and went to investigate.

I saw Gel on the couch laughing at something she saw on her Vine. I snuck up behind her and tried to scare her but before I could do anything, she said, “I know you're behind the couch, Becca.” I sighed and went to sit next to her. I grabbed her I Pad and turned it off.

I said, “So, girlfriend time starts now.” She looked and said, “We should go shopping!” I laughed at her enthusiasm and told her to grab her bag and we could go. So we grabbed our phones and purses and proceeded to head out to the car.

When we reached the entrance, there were so many fans and news reporters shouting questions at us. We ran to our car and dove inside. I told the driver to head towards the nearest mall. We drove for about 20 minutes before finally pulling into the mall parking lot. We got out and started to hit all the stores.

Before we knew it, it was 7:30. I told Gel, “We had best be getting back if we want to make it to the concert in time to see them before they go on stage.” Weighted down by all our bags, we ran to the car, threw the bags in the trunk and told the driver to head straight to the concert hall. We got there in record time. I tipped the driver and asked him if he could bring our bags to our room. He said he would and we walked off to see our boys. I couldn’t believe how many screaming girls went to a One Direction concert. It was madness!!

We rushed passed all the fans and went to the backstage area. We saw Paul, and waved him over and asked if we could see the guys before show time. He said we could and we walked to their dressing room. We decided to knock in case they were undressing. The door opened and Liam greeted us. He said, “Well, look who decided to show up. Your boyfriends were worried you weren’t going to make it.” We just laughed and we went to our respective partners rooms. I saw Gel try to sneak up on Zayn but like her, he wasn’t scared easily. I giggled and went to go see Niall.

He was fixing his hair and when he saw me standing behind him, a huge grin appeared on his face. He got up from his chair and came by me. He hugged me and gave me a peck on my lips. I pouted. He frowned and said, “What’s wrong, babe?” I said, “Is that all I get?” He laughed and said, “We have company, Love. Wouldn’t want to give them a show.” I sighed and said, “I guess I’ll just have to wait.” I put my arms around his waist and just stood there hugging him and enjoying the warmth of his embrace. He hugged me back and eventually let go.

He said that he had to finish getting ready. I kissed and said, “I’ll be in the font row.” I walked out and went to go see the others. I heard giggling from the direction Gel had gone and smiled. They were so cute together! I went to sit on the couch, but out of nowhere, Louis tackled me the ground and started tickling me.

Between my laughing and trying to call out for help, the others came out and saw what was going on. They all took sides and it became an all-out tickle fest. I was finally able to squirm away so I went to rescue Gel and together we were able to escape. We went to our reserved seats and had to squeeze past the crazed fans to get to them.

Soon enough the concert started and they were out on stage. They performed very well and during one of their songs, Niall came by me and held out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up onto the stage. Zayn did the same for Gel and they gave a shout out to us as their girlfriends. We smiled and waved at the crowd. Louis came up and handed us microphones and told us to sing with them.

So we started singing along with them. It was the best feeling in the world, to be up on stage performing! When the song ended, the crowd was louder than ever before. We bowed and exited the stage with the boys. I looked at Gel and she was talking to Zayn about how she did singing wise. I shook my head and was about to pull out my phone when a hand grabbed it. I smiled and looked to see Niall smiling down at me. He kissed me and said, “Love, that was an awesome performance you put out there.” I blushed and told him thanks.

We walked hand in hand behind all the others. We told the others that we were just going to go up to our room and that we’ll see them later. They said ok and walked off. So we continued to our room. Once we were alone, I said, “Are you hungry? I can cook us something.” He nodded his head vigorously and laughed and told him to clean up while I cooked up something to eat. I ended up making burgers because I didn’t have the ingredients to make anything else.

When they were done we ate and cleaned up afterwards. I went to my room and grabbed some clean clothes and went to the bathroom to change. I heard some noises and couldn’t tell what he was doing so once I was done I went to investigate. I laughed when I saw what happened. He frowned at me and got up. He had fallen trying to carry a bunch of pillows and sheets into the living room. I helped him carry it and asked him what he was doing.

He replied, “Why, I thought you might like to camp out in the living room. I promise it will be fun.” He made a pouty face so I caved. We spread out the blankets and put the pillows down. When the bed was completed, I inspected our work with my hands on my hips. Niall came behind me, putting his arms around me and resting his head on top of mine.

I asked him what he was thinking about and he just said that it was nothing. Just then, I decided to push him to the ground and we started wrestling. We fought for the upper hand and I thought he would win until his phone buzzed and he got distracted. I took this as my chance to pin down his arms and legs and I sat on his stomach. I asked him who that was because I saw his face turn a bright shade of red. He mumbled, “Nobody.”

I reached up and grabbed his phone and saw that it was Harry saying, “USE PROTECTION!!!!!!!” I rolled my eyes and texted back, “This is Becca. And ok,” with a winkie face attached. Just then my phone also went off and it was Gel. She said, “BE MORE ROMANTIC. BE NICE. MAKE THE SHIP SAIL!!!!”  I giggled and said, “Will do sister.”

Niall grabbed my phone and hid it under the couch and then rolled over and pinned me under him. I gazed up at him and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. A slow smile crept up on my face. He said, “What?” I said, “You look really handsome at this angle.” I leaned up to kiss him. He released my arms and I entwined them in his hair ruffling it. He caressed my cheek and then sighed and rolled off of me.

I propped myself up on my elbow and turned his face so he was looking at me. I asked him if anything was bothering him. He sighed and said, “I can't explain it right now. Maybe another time.” Then he got up and walked out of the room. When I heard the door close, I got up and ran after him.

I caught up with him and grabbed his wrist but he shook his arm free. I watched him go to Liam’s room and disappear inside. I frowned and sat down where I was at. What was wrong with him? And why did he go to Liam? 

Perfect Love: Part oneWhere stories live. Discover now