Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

London's POV

"I'm taking a big risk on this Your Royal Highness. I'm sure he will be so upset and throw me out of the palace." Omar said with worried face.

He fetched me at the airport and helped me settle into a five star hotel.

"I promise you Omar, I won't let him do that."

"He's a different person now. Not the same lively, adventurous and happy Izzy I knew. He's very stubborn... hot tempered and every time I'd see him, he lashed out at me with harsh words."

"That's really bad. But I admire you for your patience. The fact that you never gave up on him... bringing him food and stuff to help him survive in the middle of the desert."

"I have to, I don't want him to starve himself to death. I know that's what he's trying to do." Omar paused and heaved a sigh. "After the tragic death of his younger brother Ali, he lost the will to live. He blamed himself for his death."

"Why? It's not his fault that Ali's car got hit by a truck."

Omar nodded. "Exactly. But he wished that he did not allow Ali to borrow his car that night."

"That's an accident. Something that was beyond his control."

"Izzy wished that he was the one who died instead. Ali was young, brilliant, healthy... and the good guy. He did not deserve to die. While Izzy was always the bad guy. You knew how he was before, being so manipulative, controlling and used his wealth and power to get anything he wanted... including women. His battle of colon cancer was an eye opener for him to change and do good. But losing Ali was a big blow. He thought that life was so unfair. He should be the one buried six feet under the ground, not Ali."

"He should not feel that way, destroying his life and everything he worked for."

"Well, he has plenty of high-calibre men and employees who took care of his businesses in Dubai, USA, Germany, Argentina and other countries. He could return in running them anytime without any harm. The only question is, when? Or he could be like that forever."

I knew that Izzy was a tough person. Maybe he just reached to the point where he could not bear his lost. 

"Maybe he will listen to you, that what he is doing is destroying not only himself but also his country. We are expecting too much from him, being the next  ruler of the Kingdom of Al-Farhinah." Omar said disappointedly.

"I'm sure he remembers that, Omar. He just needs time."

Later, Omar reminded me of our early trip the next day.

"I'm sorry Your Royal Highness. We cannot take a helicopter to avoid anyone from knowing his exact location. We have to protect him."

"I understand Omar. Whatever transportation we would take, I'm good. What is important is to see him."

Omar nodded. "We will leave tomorrow at four in the morning. It would be a ten to twelve hours journey. Hopefully we could arrive before sunset. I'll have the camels ready."

"Thank you Omar."

"You're welcome, Your royal highness. But I have to ask you something." He said, his eyes studying my hair. "We would be crossing the desert and along the way we could meet other travellers also, mostly men. Some are good but others could be very nasty and harassed you being a woman. No one can save us there in the middle of the desert so we have to be very cautious."

"Of course. So, how do we do that?"

I suddenly realized the risk that I was willing to take. But I was already there and it was very important for me to talk to Izzy.

"You should pretend to be a man by wearing a thobe and a keffiyeh headdress. Cover your blond hair because it would attract the men. We would never know what kind of men we would meet... so I guess you should cover your face also.  You have a very feminine facial features, too beautiful to be a man."

"Okay, no problem I'll remember that."

Omar made a head bow and said. "I'll have someone to send you a thobe and a keffiyeh tonight,  your royal highness. I'll see you tomorrow in the lobby at dawn."

"Thank you Omar. By the way, just call me London."

Omar agreed then left right away.

That evening before I took a shower, I had the Korean hair dye that Emerald gave me in my hand. Then I dyed my wavy long golden blond hair and my eyebrows into black."

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