Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

London's POV

I heard the roar of an engine at a distance. Getting louder as it got closer to me.

The fuck! This arrogant selfish bastard had a powerful modern desert vehicle while his cousin Omar who was under his staff sacrificed himself by crossing the desert using a camel only. That was so unfair to the unprivileged.

I peered at him angrily as he stopped the sand mobile in front of me abruptly. I flung my arms in the air as traces of sand swirled around us.

"Are you trying to make me blind? You could have just stopped a few yards away from me!"

His eyebrows furrowed then pushed a helmet on my hand. "Hop in."

I dropped the helmet on the ground and glared at him.

"No! I'll walk myself back to the city. I don't need you rescuing me like a... a knight in shining armour, because you are not! Leave me alone, I don't need your help!"

He made an exasperated sigh then said. "Don't be so stubborn, London. Get in, now."

"HA! The great and mighty prince has ordered. Well, you can't make me ride in that sand mobile of yours. I survived coming here using a camel only, bearing all the heat for many hours. I'm sure I can survive going back." I tilted my chin as I surveyed him closely. "I'm sure your cousin Omar would feel the same way."

He stopped the engine of the vehicle then faced me. One of his forearm leaning against a handlebar.

"For your information your royal highness, there are a hundred sand mobile vehicles inside the palace, all at Omar's disposal. But he is a primitive man, who prefers to use the camel in travelling the desert. That way, he feels closer to our ancestors."

That sounded a bit... weird. Whatever. I still would not ride in that sand mobile.

"Why are you here? I thought you said you won't follow me." One of my eyebrow rose waiting for him to answer.

"Just get it, okay? We need to get going, the sun will get hotter soon."


"Come on, London. Stop acting like a child."

My temper rose instantly.

"A child? You think I'm acting like a child! How dare you. You're the one acting like a... a pompous, obnoxious, pigheaded, arrogant asshole! Who refused to listen to me. I came here believing that you would be delighted of my news, but you denied Vincent as your son!"

"Because he could never be my son! Haven't you heard what I said? I'm infertile. I can't have a child anymore."

"Then who's child is he? I never slept with any other man. There was only you Izzy, ever since. And don't tell me that I was like Mama Mary who conceived Vincent without a father, because I swear, I would smack your face."

One of his eyebrows rose. He knew it was an empty threat.

"What do you really want to achieve London? To make me accept your child as my own?"

There he was again, denying our cute adorable son, Vincent.

"Because he is your child! There's no doubt about that."

He nodded then pressed his lips tightly. "Okay... so if I accept him. What would happen next? You want marriage?"

"Absolutely. I want to get married as soon as possible. It would be tough for a child to grow up without a father."

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