Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

London's POV

I felt wobbly as I stood up facing Izzy. After that fight, my heart throbbed faster. My mind was more alert and every cell of my body came more alive. 

He always had this effect on me. I felt like the tent became smaller it was harder to breathe, enveloping us like a cocoon. The sexual tension between us increasing as we continued to lock our eyes with each other. 

"Our son?" His eyes widened in disbelief. 

I nodded. "I gave birth to Vincent four months ago. He's like a carbon copy of you in looks... and also a fighter. He was a premature baby, born three weeks before my due date. I thought he would not make it because he was so pale and tiny. There was a time when he stopped breathing and the attending nurse was quick to revive him. It was heartbreaking seeing him struggling to survive every single day. It was after a month that he started to develop himself fully. His skin glowed, his eyes were bright, his heart rate and respiratory rate within normal range. And now, he's a very healthy baby, growing up too fast."

I could not help but smile at the thought of Vincent. I was very proud of him for fighting for his own life. A brave young boy-- and looked exactly like the man standing in front of me now. Same jet black hair, ocean blue eyes and aquiline nose.

"NO! There's no way that he's my son!"

I jolted at his sudden refusal. He was glaring at me angrily like I was a stranger to him. 

"I swear he's your son." I insisted with emphasis, refused to get intimidated. How could he deny Vincent, the cutest adorable baby in the world. 

"No way, London. Don't lie to me by making me assume as the father of another man's son!"

"What!?" I was so shocked hearing that from him. "How dare you say that! So that's how you see me, huh? A wanton... cheap woman who sleep around with any man?" My hands clenched tightly. I was controlling myself not to punch that handsome face. "For your information, I have never been with any man since we started seeing... and sleeping together."

"Don't put words into my mouth. I never said that. Never did I see you as a wanton cheap woman... or anything. I have high regard on you as a woman."

"So why can't you accept Vincent as your son. I swear Izzy, I'm telling you the truth."

"No, no... He could never be my son, London. Never." He shook his head earnestly. "So please, don't insist. You don't know how upsetting this is to me. As I've said, I have high respect on you, so please don't ruin this by lying."

"What the hell! Why would I lie? You're the only man that I slept with. We did not use protection the last time, remember?"

"Yeah, because it was not necessary." He turned away from me, looking outside the opening of the tent staring at the dunes. "I could never have a child. Every seed that would come out from me is dead."

"What do you mean?"

"Cancer treatments affected my fertility. The alkylating drugs used in my chemotherapy damaged the sperm and sperm-forming cells. So I could never be the father of your son."

"That's impossible! Who told you that?" 

"My doctors. They informed and educated me very well about the consequence." He exhaled heavily. "The reason I had sample of my semen collected and frozen before I undergone chemotherapy, so it can be thawed later and used for intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization. You know how important for me, my family and my country to have an heir."

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