Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

London's POV

I could not give up. I have to do something to prove to Izzy that he was the father of Vincent. I would not leave tomorrow for nothing. I sacrificed myself coming here and I would not let myself fail this time.

Izzy was very hardheaded. I realized that since I already found him, I would not stop until I could convince him. I had to try again and again if I had to.

Suddenly, I understood him. He'd been through a lot already, from being sick with cancer, losing his mother and then losing his brother Ali. 

He had traumatic experiences... and that made him feeling so down and scared of many things. He needed someone to help him bring back his courage and look forward to the future. That despite all the trials, there would still be hope.

Knowing that he was the father of Vincent would change him. A lot of men do when they became fathers. Just like Harry. He became a different man when Magnus was born. He became very protective, more hardworking, loving, caring and responsible. Especially now that Magnus had a younger sister, Valerie. 

Therefore, I would do anything by hook or by crook to Izzy. I called Doctor Chan this afternoon. and he informed me that all I would need was a special specimen from Izzy-- could be his hair with root attached, his toothbrush or regular cotton swabs, or tissue samples of any kind. 

But of course, the IDENTIGENE, one of the most highly accredited and recommended DNA Paternity test labs in the world, would require consent for testing any DNA sample. 

Hmm... I would deal on that later though. My main concern was to get samples from him.

I found a costume of a belly dancer inside the walk-in closet and an idea suddenly occurred to me that I could use it to get into Izzy's wing. With the help of Fatima, I was able to pass the terror guards of Izzy without any question. She also lent me her iPod and portable speaker, with a playlist of belly dancing music.

My plan, to dance in front of him and his visitors.

I grew up dancing. It was my form of exercise- to help me lose weight. I enrolled in different dance lessons and one of them was belly dancing. It was very easy-- just do a hip lift or shimmy on both sides at a faster pace, hip drop, belly roll and chest lift. That was it. It did not have to be perfect.

Back to the plan... I would go near Izzy, maybe a little seduction by touching his hair, hopefully I could manage to pull a strand of his hair from the root.

I did not expect him to recognize me again. I got busted right away. Even though I had my blond hair and half of my face covered.

"What the hell were you doing? You were seducing my friends!" He barked at me with monstrous eyes. 

My eyes grew in an instant. He was very stupid to think that. 

"I did not." I said calmly, through my temper already rose to its utmost height. 

His eyes traveled down my body, looking at my form with disgust. "How could you wear such provocative outfit and dance in front of my... dammit London! You're good as naked in that... that belly dancer costume."

"Then you shouldn't have bought it for your mistress. Unless..." I shrugged my shoulders and lifted my chin a little. "you want her to belly dance before you tumble on bed with her."

"What are you implying at?"

"All the signature clothes and shoes in the walk-in closet, expensive brands and still with tags. Aren't they all for your lady friend... mistress or whatever?"

He exhaled heavily, looking at me very oddly, like I was a lunatic. But I knew I hit a nerve there. He neither admit nor deny... and just suddenly changed the topic.

"Why are you here? Aside from seducing my friends?"

One of my eyebrow lifted. "Well, you answered it already."

His lips twisted bitterly as anger showed on his face. "Don't play games with me London. If you're eyeing for Omar, have mercy. He and Fatima had been together for four years already. They are planning to get married next year!"

"You're crazy. A year of famine and thirst in the desert really shrunk your brain. For your information, I'm here to get a sample specimen from you for DNA paternity test. Doctor Chan said that you don't need to go to the clinic, all I need is to get a sample of your hair."

"No." He said firmly.

"Come on, Izzy. Just ten strands to make sure."

"Ten strands! No way, you won't get a chance, not even one. I told you, I won't allow myself for a DNA test. There's no need for you to do that because I would accept your son as my own."

"That's a stupid thing to say!" I reached out for his hair but his hand encircled my wrist like an iron clasp.

"Don't even try, London."

"I'm going to pull all your hair out of your head if I have to, just to prove to you that you are Vincent's father!" I tried to grab his hair with my other hand but he stopped me as well, grabbing both of my wrist together with his hands. 

I struggled out but he pulled my back against his chest, his arms imprisoning my body. With the right timing, I elbowed his stomach giving me a chance to escape. 

"Ouch!" He groaned painfully. "You're a very bad girl."

But my escape was only short-lived. His hand caught one of the veils of my head pulling me back onto him. 

I fought, kicking, punching and giving him a taste of my martial arts expertise, but still I alway ended imprisoned in his arms. Oftentimes, I pushed him hard but it was like pushing a bricked wall. 

I reached out for his hair but he evaded and was out of balance bringing me down with him on the carpeted floor.

I was lying on top of him with the many layers of veils on my head covering us. I removed them off my head, leaving only the one that covered the lower part of my face.

"I got you." I smiled wickedly.

"Not a chance baby." He answered with a smirk.

I grabbed his hair and managed to pull a few strands. 

I was ready to get up when he grabbed my waist pulling me back to him. 

And when he rolled me on my back, I was defenceless. His hand held my wrists captive above my head as he surveyed me with burning desire. The hunger was so evident in his eyes.

I was gasping for breath, my chest was heaving as I looked up at him.

When he removed the veil that covered the lower half of my face, I was as eager for him as he was for me.

--next update this Thursday

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