Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

London's POV

Omar and I had been taking turns riding the camel because I insisted. He was such a gentleman treating me like a queen wanting me to ride the camel till we would arrive in our destination.

But I protested. He was already so tired and dragging his feet on the sand. I refused to ride the camel and walked with him for thirty minutes before he gave up and did as I suggested.

"We're here." Omar said when we saw a maroon tent at a distant.

My heart immediately throbbed fast at the thought of seeing Izzy. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed with uneasiness. He would wonder what the hell I was doing chasing him here in the middle of the desert when the last time we saw each other, I made sure that I did not want to see his face again.

My mind drifted back to the past when I started seeing Izzy. It was during Zion and Claire's wedding, two years ago.

Being caught up in a very romantic and magical wedding theme with the inseparable newlywed couple showing their overwhelming love and affection for each other, I could not help myself but being jealous and dying to experience the same magical feeling.

Yeah, I had never been in love. I was twenty seven at that time and started to give up on meeting Mr. Right. Though being a fashion brand creator, stylist and entrepreneur, I was exposed in dealing with different single men everyday. From world class male models to top male celebrities, famous personalities and rich billionaires who were too vocal in their intention to date me.

There were just too many men and I started to get so immune in their compliments. I could not help but doubt sometimes, if they were really sincere. They could be using me to obtain the title of a prince once they would marry me.

Well, my brother Harry, the King of England, gave me the idea. He suggested that I should marry a man with a title to remove my doubts -- someone like Prince Jakob of Norway.

Seeing Izzy back at the wedding awakened my sleeping heart. I felt like I was in grade school again, waking up too early so I could go to school and see him.

He was looking gorgeous as ever. Although he summed up all the good qualities of the men I met -- in looks, wealth, power and a title, but what struck me most was how he could make my heart beat so fast.

It started with just a simple hi, hello, how are you -- and ended the following morning, me lying alone on a rumpled bed reading a note saying goodbye.

For a moment I was confused. I thought I was only dreaming. But seeing myself naked under the white sheet was enough proof that last night was real.

I told myself to be a mature woman who would take responsibility of her actions. Sleeping with Izzy happened because I wanted it. Therefore no hurt feelings afterwards and accept that it was only a one night stand.

But I could not help being angry at myself. How could I be so reckless? How I could not control myself when I was with him? My mind, my heart and my body... were programmed to respond to him easily. I should have resisted and not surrendered to this kind of weakness.

Well, I just ate my words. Because two months later, the same thing happened. It started with a dinner invitation, strolling in the park, talking about each other's business empires and royal duties.

Despite avoiding any topic about feelings, never discussing about what happened the last time and always keeping a safe distance between us... at the end of the night, it still ended the same. Making wild sex in his hotel room. But the following morning, it was the other way around. I made sure that I was the one leaving him a note saying goodbye.

It became a routine for a year. Every two months, he appeared and the same thing happened. Until the very last time... we argued on something and that ended our foolishness.

And here I am, after a year, showing my face to him again.

"I'm glad there are enough food left, the bandits took only half of what we brought. But I have to go back tomorrow early to report them to the authorities. You have to finish your business with the prince tonight if you want to come with me."

The thought of traveling back in the desert for many hours brought an undesirable feeling inside me. I was feeling so tired and every part of my body was aching. All I wanted to do at that moment was to curl in a little corner and sleep for ages. I doubt if I have an energy to talk to Izzy tonight.

"I'll try. If I can't, then you can leave me."

Omar nodded with a little smirk on his face. "Of course. You'll be more safe with him, your royal highness."

"Oh please... just call me London." I said, but he never did.

Izzy's POV

"What the hell is wrong with you Omar, bringing a servant and using one camel only?" I snapped at him the moment I saw them approaching. Omar was the one riding the camel while his servant walking and dragging his feet at the side.

Omar made a funny look at his servant before he dismounted from the camel. I could not see the servant's expression since half of his face was covered.

"We came across with the desert bandits and took the other camel."

I listened to Omar as he told me about what happened. I was shocked and felt bad that they encountered those idiots. I was very thankful that they were safe.

"The rugs, blankets and some of your clothes were there." Omar continued as he secured the camel. The servant helped him unload the stuff from the camel.

"Never mind. I told you I don't need them here." I raised my hand in a dismissive gesture.

"Yeah, but they also took the Korean ramen noodles you requested."

"Damn it!" I bursted and he laughed.

"Lucky that the fried chicken, french bread and pop-tarts are here."

We entered the tent and he continued to tell me how they escaped. Their walk in the desert and taking turns in riding the camel.

"So, your servant is a sharp shooter, huh? You're very fortunate that you bring him with you."

"Very." Omar agreed and together we turned to where the servant was. He was at the corner of the tent, his body curled and sleeping soundly.

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