Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Izzy's POV

 One week later

It was nine in the morning. I was very nervous as my limousine entered the gates of the Buckingham palace. My heart was racing very fast and my hands turned cold. I wiped the sweat that formed on my nape again that soaked the collar of my dark suit. 

I knew I had bloodshot eyes. I was not sleeping well in the past few days always thinking of this day and its outcome. 

I took the DNA paternity test five days ago. It was performed by an accredited laboratory in our country, Al-Farhinah with confidentiality. My doctor who had been with me during my cancer treatment assisted me in the process. He said that the possibility was quite slim but miracle could happen.

The result was in my jacket's inside pocket. I had no heart to open it now because I was too scared of finding out that I was not the father of her child. It would be another heartbreaking news. It was my wish to be Vincent's father. If only I could pay anything just to claim it. 

I would let London to open the envelope and read the result. I would show her that I was very  sincere in marrying her and be with her always. I just hoped she could ever forgive me now.

I admit, I was too stubborn.  When London told me that it was her condition in agreeing to my marriage proposal, I immediately declined. She got so mad and stormed out of my wing. The following early morning, she flew back to England without my knowledge.

Her absence crippled me. There was this very heavy weight in my heart that I could not get rid of on my own. I needed her in my life and I had to swallow my pride, throw away all my inhibitions and fear. She was right that I was a coward and I would never find inner peace and happiness unless I would learn to let go all my hang ups in life  and learn to trust again. 

I had to do what I must. I took the test and while waiting for the result, I settled all the work I needed in the palace. I had to see her and prove my honest intention. I love her so much and I would do anything for her... fight for her if I would and keep her in my life forever.

The car stopped at the door of the Buckingham palace. London's brother, who happened to be my best friend, Harry Allen also known as King Philip of England expected my arrival. Three days before, we talked for about an hour on the phone catching up. I told him everything about London, my marriage proposal, Vincent and taking the DNA test.

One of the palace guards opened the limousine's door and three high officials greeted me. They accompanied me to the King's quarter right away.

The wide door opened and immediately I saw my best friend Harry. 

"Hey buddy, how are you?" He welcomed me the same way he did back in high school. Seeing him again reminisced the crazy things we did when we were younger.

"I'm good. How's your leg?" I looked at his right leg. He said that he fell from a horse the other day.

"It's getting better. I can walk better now." 

"Ah... I'm glad that you're not crippled, you can still play football with me and Zion."

We both laughed and continued talking about our lives, our friends and families. We talked about the death of my brother Ali and he sympathised remembering his good deeds.

"So how's Magnus?"

"He's two years old already and quite active. Running around the palace and breaking things. He did the most embarrassing thing last Saturday. He shouted at my father in law 'fuck you' during the family dinner."

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