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3 hours later...

3rd person POV:

it was just approaching 6 o'clock, ivy and zendaya were setting out snacks for everyone and laura was putting on some music. harrison and jacob were making their way up to ivy's apartment with tom following closely behind, he didn't know who Zendaya was staying with, but harrison said she was cool, so she must be. right?

ivory's POV:

zendaya and i were setting up snacks when i heard somebody knocking on the door. "i'll get it!", i ran over to the door, unlocking it to find jacob and haz. "hey!" i hugged them both, Zen and Laura were now behind me, they were up to something judging by their facial expressions. "hey ivy" jacob and harrison waved. "it's nice to see you guys again! Daya said you guys were bringing a friend?" they both looked at each other, stepping back to reveal who it was.

Tom's POV:

"tom... hey..." she looked like she'd seen a ghost. "hey ivory... haz didn't say you were gonna be here." i said glaring hard at him. "that's funny, zendaya didn't say you were coming either." she turned around and folded her arms, raising her eyebrows at Zen. everyone shrugged. "anyways... come in." she waved me and the other boys in. "sorry, if you don't mind, i need to talk to these two for a minute" ivy said grabbing Zen and Laura by their wrists, dragging them into another room.

ivory's POV:

i grabbed them by their wrists dragging them into my bedroom. "care to explain?" i said shutting the door, "explain what?" zen and laura both shrugged as if they were completely clueless. "you said Haz and Jacob were bringing a 'friend', you didn't say they were bringing HIM." i whisper shouted making hand gestures. "tom's a friend isn't he?" Zendaya just grinned. "i swear to god you two will be the death of me." i rubbed my temples and walked out the room, with the two of them behind me snickering.

"hey sorry about that" i said giving a small laugh, "so what do you guys wanna do?" "Zen said there was a pool? why don't we go for a swim?" harrison suggested. "yeah that sounds fun, you guys can go get changed in the spare room upstairs, we can go get changed in my room." "sounds good" Jacob said.

the girls and i got changed, and made our way to the roof of my building. the boys were already in the pool. "hey guys!" tom shook out his hair and got out the pool. so much for trying to forget about him. he was soaked and his body was glistening. for god sake ivy, just forget about him. i've already seen him naked anyways. "h-hey ivy" he stuttered, this was too awkward for my liking. "oh. hey tom." i brushed past him and made my way to one of the sun loungers.

zen, laura and i watched the boys play some sort of game, harrison almost drowned in the process. everyone got out and grabbed a shower. we all got dressed and ordered a pizza. "do you guys wanna watch a movie?" laura said holding up the tv remote. "yeah sure, why not".h

we ended up watching the first iron man movie. as the night went on, everybody went to their respected sleeping places, the girls in my room, the boys sharing the spare room. the movie finished, and i couldn't sleep, so i decided to sit on the balcony for a while, admiring the skyline. "hey what are you doing out here?" i turned to find tom, standing in the glass door frame. "nothing, couldn't sleep." "me neither" he walked towards me, "mind if i sit?" "no not at all" he sat next to me. "so how are you?" he turned so he could face me. "i'm okay, what about you?" tom shrugged, "i'm alright, listen, i feel bad for not calling you", "you do?" i raised my eyebrows, "yeah... that was a really shitty thing for me to do. i'm sorry" he scratched the back of his neck. "it's fine don't worry." i smiled, it was nice that i knew he wasn't just one of those guys that go round and fuck everything that moves. "really?" he smiled. "yes, really." "friends?" he held out his hand. "friends", i shook it, smiling. "but you know, friends who've had sex." "yeah".

we talked for about, two hours on the balcony, it was getting cold so we decided to head inside and watch a movie on the sofa. "nightmare before christmas?" he held up the dvd and i nodded. he put the disc in and sat down next to me. i pulled a blanket over both of us, and wrapped my arms around his waist laying my head on his chest. my eyelids were getting heavy, i tried to fight off the tiredness, but it wasn't worth it. i drifted off to sleep with my body cuddled up next to tom's, his arms wrapped around me.

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