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italics & bold= voice over by ivory


the next morning...

the sunlight beamed through the windows of ivory's apartment, lighting up the room. "ah my head" she gripped the bridge of her nose and scrunched her eyes shut. she sat up and rubbed her eyes. ivory eventually opened her eyes, and audibly gasped to what lay next too her. a half naked tom. 

"OH MY GOD!" she screamed.

"what time is it-" tom sat up rubbing his eyes. "IVY?! WHY ARE YOU-? WHY AM I-? DID WE-?"

they both sat in ivy's bed trying to cover up their half naked bodies with a sheet, staring wide eyed at each other.

*record scratch noise*

now, you're probably wondering how i got here. let me refresh your memory.

last night (ivory's pov)...

"hey" i gave him a small smile.


"come in" i opened the door wider signalling him to enter.

"so what are you doing?" he hung up his coat on the hook and followed me to the kitchen. 

"the same thing i was doing before you left. watching crappy reality tv. but i'm bored. any ideas?" i pushed myself on top of the kitchen counter and took a seat.

he walked around the kitchen with his hands in his pockets, thinking. when he was deep in thought he did this thing where he would bite his bottom lip, it was seriously adorable. "honestly, i have no clue."

"hey i have an idea, lets have some fun" i had a mischievous grin plastered over my face.

get your mind out of the gutter, i know what you were thinking. the rest of the night i don't remember, due to me and tom getting white girl wasted on the four bottles of crappy wine we found at the back of my kitchen cupboard, but from what i can make out, it went a little something like this:

"the real question is, thomas, if you really did have your spiderman powers, what would you do?" i slurred, taking a a big sip out of the bottle in my right hand.

"i don't know, man." he paused staring into space "probably, like, rob a bank or something" he grabbed the bottle out of  my hand, taking a swig and making spiderman hand gestures.

"dude." i stared at him with wide eyes, "that's fucking awesome" we both erupted into a drunken laughing fit, falling all over the floor, spilling some of the wine.

after that, i don't remember much. now, back to the story.

present day...

"so..." ivy said fiddling with her rings, not looking at tom.

"so..." to played with a loose thread on the bed sheet.

they both stayed in silence, for a few minutes. trying to piece together what was happening. both of them were shocked, but mostly confused at how something like this could happen. it wasn't the first time that they had woken up in bed together, but the last time that had happened, they'd done something.

"did we-?" tom looked up from the sheets and turned his body towards ivory.

"i honestly don't know." ivy was still looking at her hands. "hey do you know where my phone is?"

"i don't know, i'll call it." tom pressed a few buttons on his screen before held it up to his ear. a faint ringing was coming from the kitchen, they both looked at each other confused. ivory threw on her dressing gown while tom pulled on his sweatpants that were flung over the lamp next to ivy's bed.

greedy. tom holland x ariana grande.Where stories live. Discover now