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"oh my god" ivy exclaimed.

"what?" courtney asked and took a slice of pizza from the box.

"oh my god." ivory stood up.

"ivory romano, what in the damn hell are you on about?" victoria questioned.

ivory handed her phone to zendaya, still in pure shock.

"TOM'S TAKING HER ON A DATE" zendaya exclaimed and stood up quickly next to ivy.

"HOLY SHIT!" laura grabbed ivy's hpone from zen.

"okay go! get dressed! something comfy like he said." courtney and the girls pushed ivy into her room and going through her closet.

" it's okay i'll just wear what i normally do, it's comfy anyways" ivory grabbed a large hoodie, a palid sports bra and a pair of boots from her closet.

"okay cool, what time is it?" laura asked and passed ivy her perfume.

"6:50" ivory picked up her purse then taking one last look at herself in the mirror, fixing her ponytail.

the girls made their way downstairs, with ivory in tow. they all sat in the kitchen waiting for a knock at the door. 

ivy paced around the room, nervous. she thought that after all this time, she would be prepared, but it was just pure anxiety rushing up and down her body. her stomach was in knots and every single scenario in which this could go wrong was running through her mind. she almost felt sick, but before it could get any worse she was pulled from her thoughts by a knock at the door.

"it's time." zendaya put her hand on ivory's shoulder squeezing slightly. she nodded and made her way to the door, hand hesitating on the door nob. 

"hey, tommy."

"h-hey ivy, you look amazing" he stuttered.

"you don't look to bad yourself, holland. so, what do have you planned?"

"that, is something for me to know and for you to find out" his accent made ivy swoon.

"listen, i want her back by 12, no funny business" zendaya came behind ivy with a popsicle in her mouth.

"come on Z, you know me" tom grabbed ivy's hand a pulled her next to him.

"yes, i do, but i don't want you trying any funny business with my daughter." zen waved her popsicle between the two of them

"but she's not your-"

"okay tommy, let's go, goodbye Z"

ivy and tom made their way down to his car and they both got in.

"so, what's the plan?" ivory asked tom as he put the keys into the ignotion.

"i already said this Romano, for me to know and for you to find out. what's your favourite fast food?"

"i mean i like taco bell, but it's up to you." she smiled at tom and he returned the gesture.

"taco bell it is then"

tom pulled into the drive thru and ordered his and ivy's food. 

"okay, that'll be $23.54" the woman at the window said through her headset. ivory reached into her purse to get her card but as soon as she pulled it out tom was already paying.

"tom you didn't have to-"

"don't be stupid, love. it's a date, i'm paying" 

"okay. thank you."

"it's nothing" he drove round to the next window and grabbed the bags from the woman.

"wait, you're the spiderman and you're the girl who sings bloodline" the lady exclaimed, ivy giggled and tom laughed.

"yes you're right, we are" tom nodded and smiled.

"do you- do you mind if i get a photo for my niece? she loves both of you."

"of course! do you have your phone?" ivy leaned over tom to speak to her.

" yeah sure, here!"

ivy and tom took a photo with her and drove off waving.

15 minutes later...

the almost couple had been driving around for a while, making conversation about tom's acting and ivy's past acting career.

"i can't believe you were a nickelodeon kid! that's so cool!" tom said stopping at another red light.

"yep, i'm glad i got rid of the rid of the red hair though" ivy chuckled.

"if you kept it i reckon little cat valentine would be proud."

"yeah that's enough of that" she chuckled "i still don't know where you're taking me. you could be trying to kill me and i wouldn't know" ivy folded her arms.

"i'm not trying to kill you number one, number two, we're here."

tom put his car into park and before ivy was the most beautiful view she had ever seen. he had driven them to an overlook that spread the new york skyline before them, it was magical.

"wow tommy this is -"

"i know right. give me a second i just need to grab something" he got out of the car and opened the trunk. he came back with a laptop and blankets. he placed the device on the dashboard, and draped the blankets over him and ivy.

"favourite movie?" tom turned to ivy who was admiring the skyline.

"13 going on 30." ivy smiled at the memories she had watching it.

"never seen it, but here." he pressed a few keys and the movie was up and running. they both dug into their food and watched the movie from under the blankets, the faint noises of traffic from below them. it was perfect, everything was falling into place.

2 hours later...

the credits rolled, tom and ivy had finished their food and were still snuggled under the covers.

"so, what do you think?" ivy lifted her head from tom's shoulder.

"it was hilarious, i loved it" he chuckled, 

they stared at eachother for a minute, admiring eachothers facial feautures, until ivory placed a soft kiss on tom's lips. pulling away after a few seconds.

tom smiled a brushed a piece of ivy's ponytail behind her shoulder.

"how you feeling?"

ivory yawned, "i'm pretty tired"

"okay no problem, i'll take you home" tom smiled and start the car.

20 minutes later...

tom walked ivy up to her door, they stood there for a moment before ivy unlocked the door.

"do you wanna come in?" she stood in the doorway.

"i would but, my brothers are over from london." 

"oh no worries. tell them i say hey" ivory smiled as tom took a step towards her, inches between them.

"i had an amazing night." he whispered, staring into ivy's brown eyes.

"me too, tommy" 

he lifted up ivory's chin and connected his lips with hers for the second time that night.

"goodnight, ivy"

"goodnight" she shut the door behind her and smiled, touching her lips. she switched the lights on.

"so, how was it?"

"jesus christ, Z!" ivy screamed, how long have you been sat in the dark for?"

"long enough to see you two smooching. so, how was your date?"

greedy. tom holland x ariana grande.Where stories live. Discover now