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It was late when Jungkook got back, the time being past midnight and had Taehyung pacing the hallways, worried that something might've happened to his precious Kookie. That maybe Yugyeom had taken advantage of his innocent bunny, or something worse.

He fears weren't exactly relinquished when Jungkook arrived home. Because when he finally stumbled through the doorway, it wasn't out of tiredness. It was because he was flat out drunk.

Taehyung knew he had gone out to a bar, but he didn't expect him to have drank this much. Jungkook's cheeks were flushed a bright red, his eyes were sparkling, and his once gelled back hair was now messed up, like someone had run there hands through his silky locks. That thought alone made taehyung's clench his fists.

But the real hoot of the night was the words that were slipping out of Jungkook's mouth.

"I had sooooooooo much fun, Taehyungieeeee," Jungkook slurred, leaning heavily on taehyung's side  as they made their way up to the bedrooms. "Yuggy wasss so niiiice." He sighed. "He even kissed meeeeee."

Taehyung's heart dropped to his stomach, he lost his grip on Jungkook, who slipped and fell to the floor, giggling. "H-he did?"

"Oh, yes," Jungkook giggled from the floor, turning even redder. "A lot. Why don't YOU ever give me kisses, taehyung?"

"Um..." Deciding that carrying younger altogether would be easier, he scooped the smaller boy up into his arms, holding him bridal style. "That's because..."

"Oooooh, because you don't liiiiiike me, right?" Jungkook pouted, his expression turning sad. "You can only kiss the people you like. Is that why you never kiss me?"

"No!" Horrified, taehyung rushed to get all his words out. "Of course I like you, mon amour !"

"Aaaaaaah, I like that name, Taehyungiee. What does it meannn?"

"I'll tell you later. But why don't you tell me about your...date." The words were hard to get out.

"Okay!" They were at Jungkook's bedroom now. After struggling to open the door, they got inside, and jungkook all but clawed his way out of tarhyung's grip and jumped on the bed. "Ahhh...."

But the older could pay attention to nothing but jungkook's splendid ass, which was right in front of him. Gulping, he sat down at the end of the bed, trying to calm down. He tried to relax when Jungkook started to ramble.

"Well at first, things were a little awkward...we didn't know what to say, but then he broke the ice by talking about his family and group, and I talked about mine!" Jungkook started explaining, giggling. "Then we started to drink, and it turned into a competition. Which I won, obviously!" He exclaimed, sluggishly poking his finger against taehyung's chest.

Taehyung hummed, smiling. "I don't doubt you for a second."

"A-and then..." He crashed to his pillow, smiling. "After I won, he grabbed my head and kissed me! Over and over again!!!" Jungkook squealed. "But it didn't better than my dream with....."

"Your dream with?" Now that had caught taehyungs's attention.

"Nothing..." Sounding drowsy, Jungkook yawned. "Goodnight...and taehyungiee hyunggg , you never got to tellll me what that words means..."

After he was positive jungkook was dead to the world, taehyung leaned towards Jungkook moving  his silky bangs away from his fragile looking face and kissing his forehead before whispering  "It means, my love."


"mon amour" means my love right ????

I'm still not sure I used Google for it 🙃

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