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Taehyung remembered the day forever, that's how terrible it was.

It had started out fine. He woke up to his screeching alarm, and threw it so hard against the wall it's a wonder it didn't shatter. Then he trudged down to the kitchen, accepted some breakfast from Jin, and when Jungkook was ready already. they all headed out to dance studio, and started practicing.

The practice went flawlessly. Jungkook was back to his usual self. He had complemented Jungkook when the younger effortlessly hit a beat which made him turned bright red. It had been a month since the incident, and their relationship had returned to normal, as normal as it was going to get, for the time being.

It was back at dorm when it happened.

"-so then I told him: "To get an ass as great as mine, you gotta-""

"Bogum hyung! I've heard this story quite enough!" Taehyung groaned, flopping down onto his sofa. Then his stomach growled. "It was nice talking to you, hyung. But I gotta satisfy my stomach first so byeee!"

"See ya brat."

Humming a song, Taehyung walked down the halls, daydreaming about a certain someone-

It was when Taehyung almost started to go down the stairs when he heard muffled shouting come from down the hallway.

Coming from Jungkook's room.

He knew that maybe he should give his respected privacy, But the more curious side urged him to go down, and just listen in.

Only for a few seconds. He told to himself.

That's how Taehyung found himself outside jungkook's door, leaning in for better hearing. The guilt that racked his core was being overwhelmed by the need to know what was going on. So, he listened.

And it's a good thing he did.


"Shut UP, you whore Why can't you just realize that I never LIKED YOU! NEVER!"

Crazy laughter arose from the room.

"I wanted you for your body, only for your body."

Taehyung heard enough by then.

Pushing open the door, he stepped in the room and froze at the scene.

Jungkook was on his knees, whimpering at the tight grip yugyeom had on his hair. The latter was staring at Taehyung, mouth open wide and moving but no words coming out. Blood was tricking down jungkook's chin, something that looked way to familiar.

"Let go of him!" Taehyung said calmly, taking a step forward, but the venom in his voice sent shivers to yugyeom. Realizing the situation he was in, yugyeom threw jungkook's body towards Taehyung, who caught the smaller man in his arms, cradling him gently. Then he ran out the door, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook kneeling together on the floor.

Jungkook was clutching Taehyung's shirt tightly, burying his face in his chest. His shoulders were shaking with sobs as he tried to choke out words, but he couldn't, and proceeded to try to snuggle in deeper.

Taehyung's chest ached seeing Jungkook like this.

"Jungkook" Taehyung said calmly, atleast tried too, he continued running his hands through the silky, black locks. "Mon amour, what happened?"

"I-I...I don't know...w-we..." He took a deep breath. "We were just sitting here t-talking...and th-then he wanted to...y-you know...do it.." he choked on a sob "I-I refused...I didn't want to...then he exploded, c-called me a whore, a slut..." He started to cry harder, making Taehyung more angrier.

"Has this happened before?"

His heart hurt when jungkook hesitantly nodded his head. "Once. He was d-drunk, I thought it was the alcohol t-talking."

He wrapped his arms tightly around him, fingers twitching. "Mon amour, you deserve better."

"I'm not g-going to be seeing him anytime soon."

There was silence, before a terrible question was asked. "Do you think he ever loved me?"

Taehyung stiffened,he didn't want to hurt Jungkook even more, but lying to him wasn't an option. "I...I don't think so, kookie "

Fingers tightened on his shirt, and words he knew he couldn't stop slipped out. "But I do."


So triple update cuz whynot 😚

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