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Oh god, he messed up. He messed up, big time.

The looks he had received as he walked into dorm made Taehyung want to fold into himself until there was nothing left, and he stayed in his room, too afraid to face other members. Finally, with yeontan whining at his feet, he clipped on his leash and started to take him out for his walk, and stepped out of his room quietly.

Just when he was about to reach his room back he definitely didn't expected a dead look expression on yoongi.

"Listen here, kid," yoongi jumped into the matter straight,voice Stern. "I got the whole story from Jimin. I don't know what your side is, but, I don't appreciate what you did to Jungkook. That Yugyeom guy screams bad news. I don't want to interfere whatever you two got yourselves into, but you should apologize to Jungkook. Stop running away from your feelings Taehyung". Yoongi said giving Taehyung a look.

Taehyung felt his heart beating stopped. He hung his head low didn't want to show his teary eyes. He weakly nodded. Yoongi just sighed and walked away before patting taehyung's back.

Swallowing heavily, Taehyung slowly made his way to Jumgkook's room. Shifting from foot to foot nervously, he stood outside of the younger's door, hand poised to knock.

He could do this, he could do this.

Then why was his hand trembling so much? Why wouldn't his hand move a damn inch, no matter how much he willed it?

Was it because he had hit Jungkook with that hand?

Yes. That's why, because I laid a hand on the person I love, the person who showed me what it's truly like to feel, even it's unintentionally Jungkook is hurt because of me Taehyung thought.

Putting his hand down, he decided to use his voice instead. "Kookie?" He called out quietly, before blanching. His voice sounded choked, like something was stuck in his throat.

For a couple moments, he stood in silence, waiting for a response. Right when he was ready to accept his defeat and decided to come back later, a soft voice came from the other side of the door.

"C-come in."

Oh. He sounded...broken.

Taehyung opened the door gently, and his heart ached when he saw Jungkook sitting on the floor, eyes gazing blankly at the wall as he touched his bruised lips, like he still couldn't believe the hit had happened. Honestly, Taehyung couldn't believe it happened either. He sat down next to Jungkook, and almost sobbed when the younger scooted over a little away from him.

Because he was scared of him.

"Jungkook..." Oh god, he was choking. "I-I'm- I'm sorry."

Taking a deep breath, he tried to will back the tears in his eyes which threatening to fall, "l-I'm so s-sorry k-kookie you know I-i didn't mean to hit you on p-purpose right?" He desperately asked.

For a minute, there was more silence, and Taehyung worried that he may lost something; lost something that he recently came to know that was worth more than his entire existence

"Taehyung." There was no sign of warmth in his voice, only confusion. "Why did you beat up yugyeom?"

For a minute, Taehyung wanted to tell him. Wanted to tell him what the man had said, wanted to see that jungkook found out that he deserved better.

But how could he? Jungkook would never believe him, not after what happened, and especially not after all the dates he went on, not after all the time he had spent with yugyeom.

"Were...were you jealous?" A punch in the gut, that's the one way to describe his feeling. "Whenever yugyeom was around, or whenever I went out, you always acted...different. You acted cold."

"I...I..." Be honest. "Yes."

Jungkook finally looked him in the eyes, his brown orbs filled with disappointment. "Is that why you punched him?"

"N-no!" Taehyung jumped to clarify.

"Then why-" Jungkook's interrogation was cut off with the shrill ring of his phone, and he picked it up immediately. "Hello?"

The way his face seemed to light up and his frown eased into a smile was how Taehyung knew who it was. "Yeah, of course I can meet at the bar. I'll see you in twenty?" A pause. "Okay, bye." Hanging up, Jungkook got to his feet, and Taehyung followed suit.

"Taehyung." Jungkook looked away, and wiped at his eyes. The urge to reach out and touch his face gently was so powerfully strong, he almost couldn't resist it. But jungkook may never be able to react to taehyung's touches the same way again. "I...I need a couple of days. Only a few, to think things over."

"Okay." Anything for you.

"Thanks." Awkwardly standing there for a second, Taehyung recognized the dismissal and left the room quickly, with Jungkook following suit, getting ready to go out.

No, their relationship wasn't going to go back to normal. Not right away. But this was a start.... Hopefully.

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