Chapter 4: He Buet Setnae!

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Evelyn awoke as she was rudely dropped on a stone slab. Confused and unsure of where she was, until she saw one of the most horrific things, the mummy Imhotep encased in a shell of sorts to protect his corpse. She looked over to see who was chanting and felt a breath leave as she said, 

"Mr. Hafez? Oh my God, you're trying to resurrect him." she gasped out. Her thoughts however were interrupted as the doors swung open and out came a dark haired, brown eyed girl. Evie inhaled a deep breath as she was consumed in a vision of the girl, only this time the girl was dressed in Egyptian garb and wore a headpiece across her forehead. The vision quickly dissolved however and the girl before her was clad in a 1930's dress again, her hair in long s-shaped curls. The girl stood by the curator as he echoed the last lines of the spell and the shell exploded in different directions as a newly and slightly more regenerated Imhotep awoke and stepped forward growling animistic-ally.  Evie could only manage a whimper as his eyes locked on her an enraged look crossed his face at seeing her. He quickly looked away as soon as the dark haired girl stepped forward and bowed to him. She spoke to him in ancient Egyptian explaining that she was Meela in this life and was Asernath's best friend beforehand, Ancksunamun. And then proceeded to state how she brought the vile snake that had tragically taken her friend away and wanted to avenge her as must as Imhotep does. Evie looked green in the face as the young woman Meela suggested burning her alive would serve quite the justice for all her "evil" deeds. Evelyn soon started fighting as Meela snapped her fingers for some red clad men to go and lay her more so on the stone slab as they carried it towards the burning pit, the flames a fiery red and orange, similar to the flames of Hell. 

"Just wait! I'll put you back in your coffin again!" Evie shouted at them as Mr. Hafez approached them. 

" We were thinking not if we put you in yours first. " he stated, an evil smile lurking across his weathered face before he had the men lead her towards the fire. 

"You bastard! Agghhhh!" Evelyn shrieked but was shortly cut off as Rick yelled and jumped over the fire to grab Evie before aiming his gun and shooting some of the henchmen. They quickly took cover as he undid Evelyn's bindings before handing her a gun and signaling for both of them to shoot at the same time, Bonnie and Clyde style. Ardeth Bey helped with his Thompson gun as he shot at the liquid kerosene to spread the fire towards those worshiping Imhotep. Imhotep engulfed in rage at seeing his arch nemesis-es in front of him, beating him yet again. Or were until he jumped across the room in a cat-like manner before reaching a sacred vase, filled with the remains of soldiers who would do his bidding. Rick noting how mummies were forming out of the remains and sand quickly grabbed his wife and ran towards the exit sign, the Medjai shortly following. Imhotep was saying how they would arise and do his bidding before roaring out "He Buet Setnae!", the mummies roaring in reply with their long tongues before sprinting towards the doors. 

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