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Swearing, questioning in the beginning, implied smut at the end

Harry Potter + Supernatural + Me at 3 AM = Destiel with a magic mirror

Dean's thoughts about Cas were...complicated.

He knew that he would always say that the angel was family, but it always felt like an understatement. Cas was more than family, he knew that much. He just didn't know what else he could be.

Well...there was that...

Dean shook his head and rubbed his face. He needed a clear head. He was hunting for Chuck's sake!

He and Sam had finally found where the witch-bitch was hiding after two bodies dropped. The hex bags hadn't exactly been hard to find.

They had split up when they had entered the house and cleared the ground floor, Sam taking the upper level while Dean searched the basement.

It was your usual witch's basement; locked doors concealing bookshelves full of spellbooks, a couple of cabinets with ingredients, candles lit around the room, the usual.

The one thing that was a bit odd, was that there was a random mirror sitting against a wall, untouched by dust.

Now, Dean knew that witches sometimes used mirrors for tracking spells but from what he had seen, they would usually use smaller ones for practicality.

This one looked more like one you would hang up and chant "mirror-mirror on the wall" and ask who was the hottest.

After finding no one else in the room, Dean made his way over to examine it further, glancing at a few books along the way. The hunter was greeted by the image of the upper portion of his body and Sam smiling behind him.

Dean whirled around, about to chew out his brother for trying to sneak up on him but found empty space where he had stood in the mirror.

Confused, he turned back to it, Sam's image indifferent.

"The hell?"

The image began to approach him, still smiling and if Dean was honest, it was the happiest he had seen his brother in too long of a time.

Sam grabbed him by the shoulder, not saying anything but mouthing 'we did it'. Something about his relaxed demeanor made Dean feel a sense of...relief.

They had done it? They won? How-

Something behind them made Sam look back, his smile growing wider as he patted Dean's shoulder and stepped out of view.

Then a familiar angel in an instantly recognizable trench coat came forward with a rare look of peace gracing his features.

"Cas..." Dean whispered, glancing behind him in hopes that his best friend was truly there.

He was met with disappointment but when he returned his gaze to the mirror, it quickly changed to surprise.

Castiel had lain his head on Dean's shoulder and wrapped their hands together.

The hunter stood stiffly, taking in the sight.

Cas was...he...wha?

Something flashed faintly in the candlelight by their fingers, catching Dean's attention.

He squinted and saw two golden bands resting on both of their fingers, Enochian engraved into each. He was suddenly very grateful for Sam asking Castiel to teach them how to translate Enochian on their own.

On Dean's ring, it read 'Dean Winchester' and on Castiel's, 'Castiel Winchester'.

He and Cas were...together. They were-

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