February 14, Valentine's Day

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Leading up to the 14th, Joshua was busy. He'd spent all his time planning for the holiday. He'd make plans and then scrap them, never feeling quite right. He wanted the day to go perfectly, it was what Jeonghan deserved.

On the bed next to him, Seungcheol threw his basketball into the air, occasionally thumping against the ceiling.

Joshua tossed a pen at him, "Dude, they're gonna hate you."

Seungcheol scoffed, basketball smacking against the ceiling again, "Nah, it's fine. With the amount Soonyoung dances around up there making noise, he can get over it."

"Yeah? What about Wonwoo?"

Seungcheol paused in his tossing, "I may have made a mistake. I'll apologize tomorrow."

"Good, now toss me my pen back I need to work on this."

Seungcheol rolled over, staring at Joshua with tired eyes, "What are you doing anyways? You've been huddled over that notebook for ages."

Joshua sighed, "I'm planning for Valentine's Day. I really want Jeonghan to enjoy it."

"Why are you planning for Valentine's Day?"

Joshua scribbled onto his notebook, "Yeah, I know Jeonghan said he didn't want me to worry about the holidays, but I want to do something. It's a holiday in America, so as an American it's my right to celebrate it!"

Seungcheol stared at him for a minute, before turning back around and tossing his basketball in the air, though lower than before, "If you say so."

It confused Joshua, the attitude and amused glint in his eyes. But the longer he thought about Seungcheol, the less he'd be thinking about his plans. So he shook his head and got to work.

It was only a few days later when Jun found out what he was planning. They'd been in the middle of organic chemistry when he'd leaned over to copy from Joshua's notes. But rather than formulas, he'd instead found times and foods listed. There were little doodles and notes like, "Hannie doesn't like lilacs, loves lavender" and "find local flower shop".

Jun tapped Joshua on the shoulder, "Hyung, what is this? Where are the formulas?"

Joshua looked up in a daze. He hadn't realized that he wasn't taking notes, instead subconsciously rehashing date plans.

"Oh my god, Junnie I'm so sorry. I've been so focused on planning this date that I didn't even realize I wasn't taking notes."

Jun just smiled, patting Joshua on the back, "It's okay, I'll ask Kyungsoo hyung later."

"You know Kyungsoo hyung doesn't take notes."

Jun rolled his eyes, "Fine, Kihyun hyung will have notes. Now, tell me all about this date, what's it for?"

Joshua looked up to see their professor in deep conversation with Kihyun hyung, and turned back to Jun, "Okay but you can't say anything to Jeonghan about it, promise?"

Jun nodded frantically, catching Joshua's finger in a pinky promise.

As Joshua told Jun all about his amazing plans for Valentine's day, he could tell that he was losing Jun somewhere along the way.

"Doesn't that sound great? Won't he love it?"

Jun wiggled slightly n his seat, "Yeah I just... I guess I thought," he trailed off, "Nevermind. I think he'd love it, but maybe tone it down a bit? I'm pretty sure Valentine's day here is a bit more relaxed than in America. Last year Hyuna noona got Hyojong hyung flowers and chocolate and that was it. He might get a bit overwhelmed if it's too extravagant. Maybe save it for your anniversary?"

"You think so? Keep it simple?"

Jun nodded, "Jennie got Jongin hyung flowers and chocolate last year too, same with Eunbi and Bin. I think it's the traditional thing. But then again I might be confused."

Joshua nodded, scratching things off of his list, "Okay, I'll keep it simple. Thanks, Junnie."

By the time Joshua was confident in his plans, it was the fourteenth. He could hardly sleep the night before, too excited for their date ahead. He only had to get through two classes before he would be out with his boyfriend.

The restaurant he chose for dinner was nice, but not too nice. It was just a little bistro that they went to for Jeonghan's birthday the year before. He remembered how much Jeonghan had liked it, and how much Jeonghan had liked it, and how much he wanted to go back.

This time, it was Joshua waiting for Jeonghan to arrive at their date. He had arrived early, anxious for everything to go just right. He'd taken Jun's advice and scaled everything way down. He'd gotten Jeonghan a bouquet of his favorite flowers and a heart-shaped box of all the chocolates he liked. He felt a little cliche, but if that was what Jun said was traditional then he trusted him.

When Jeonghan did arrive only about five minutes later. Joshua almost lost his breath. Jeonghan was so beautiful he was practically shining. His recently dyed blond hair framed his face perfectly. They always joked that Jeonghan was an angel, but tonight he especially looked the part.

"Did you wait long?" Jeonghan asked.

He had sat down before Joshua had a chance to do anything.

"No, you're just on time."

Jeonghan grinned, looking over the menu, "This is so nice, what's all this about?"

Joshua took a deep breath, it was now or never, "Okay, I know that you said not to do

anything for Valentine's Day, but I did anyways," he reached under the table and grabbed the presents, passing them to Jeonghan.

Jeonghan's face was innocently confused, a look it didn't hold very often.

Joshua scratched at his head, "Because I love you, and you give gifts to the one you love on Valentine's day."

Jeonghan's eyes widened, "Oh, is that what you do in America?"

"Yeah, why? Is that not what you do here?"

Jeonghan shook his head, popping a chocolate in his mouth, "Nope. Here, Valentine's day is when girls give flowers and chocolates to their boyfriend."

Joshua groaned, remembering how Junhui had only given him examples of girlfriends giving to their boyfriends, and none of the reverse. It also made his confused face made a lot of sense.

He shook his head, "Well, I'm giving to my boyfriend, so it still counts. When do boyfriends give anyways?"

Jeonghan's smile turned sly again, "Not telling. You're gonna have to wait and find out."

Joshua groaned again, but couldn't find it in himself to actually be annoyed. Not when Jeonghan's eyes were shining with so much mirth.

"You know I love you, right? And that I'm going to do this every Valentine's day from now on."

Jeonghan grinned, leaning across the small table to press, a soft kiss to Joshua's lips, "I should hope so, now I'll be expecting it. I love you too."

The waitress finally came, and they ordered, ready to celebrate the fourteenth the way Joshua knew how.

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