July 14, Silver Day

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Joshua awoke, once again, to the thumping of a basketball on their ceiling. He groaned and the thumping paused for a moment before starting up again. He turned over in his bed and glared at Seungcheol. His alarm clock said 3:00 in the afternoon, but that was still way too early for Joshua on the weekends. Especially since he'd spent the last night doing a last minute paper he'd forgotten he even had due. Waking to thumping the morning after writing a rushed fifteen-page paper on the linguistics of paradox wasn't the nicest thing. And sure enough, Seungcheol was the source of the noise, a concentrated look on his face.

"You have no sense of self-preservation at all, do you? What are you even doing?" Joshua asked.

Seungcheol held the basketball in his hands, continuing to stare up at the ceiling, "Thinking."

That answer was... vague. In a way that Joshua wasn't used to when it came to his roommate. Usually, when Seungcheol got vague he was too in his thoughts, nervous or worried about something.

"And what are you thinking about?"

Seungcheol clutched the basketball tighter to his chest, "The future."

Ah yes, the future. It was something Joshua himself didn't like thinking about too much. It gave him major anxiety and the uncertainty that was his future.

Seungcheol spoke up, "What are you going to do after graduation. What's going to happen with you and Jeonghan? What's going to happen with me and Jihoon?"

There it was.

"Well," Joshua sat up, collecting his thoughts, "I'm only on a student Visa so I'm going to have to go back to America until I can get my work Visa and a job here. Jeonghan is gonna try and join me but if he can't he's gonna get a job and an apartment and wait for me to come back."

"Aren't you... aren't you scared about the distance, and the time apart. Aren't you afraid that something will go wrong?"

"I mean, I'm always worried something will go wrong, I have anxiety."

Seungcheol huffed a laugh.

"But," Joshua said, "I have faith in us. I trust Jeonghan, and he trusts me. The love we have is strong, and I know we can make it. A year or two is nothing compared to forever."

Seungcheol rolled over to look at him, eyes watery.

Joshua stood up, racing to sit beside Seungcheol, wrapping him in his arms, "What's wrong sweetie, what happened?"

Seungcheol sniffed, "That was just, that was really sweet. And I want that, I want to have that with someone. I want to have it with Jihoon. I don't even have him yet and I'm so afraid of losing him."

Joshua smiled. It had taken Seungcheol a while to get to a place where he could be in a relationship, and a lot of that had to do with Jihoon. After seeing Jihoon in that restaurant, he had been even more ready for a relationship. Junhui, Minghao, Seungcheol, and Jihoon had gone on that double date, and Seungcheol had come home just positively glowing. They'd even gone on a couple of dates after and anyone with eyes could see how smitten Seungcheol was with the younger, and how comfortable Jihoon was with Seungcheol. The only thing Seungcheol had to do to get Jihoon to be his, was tell him how he felt.

Joshua pulled Seungcheol's head to rest on his shoulder, "The only way you're going to lose Jihoon is if you don't tell him how you feel. You have to know by now he's not going to make the first move. And besides, you know he's gonna say yes."

Seungcheol whined, "But what if he doesn't?"

"He's going to say yes, I promise. You should call him and ask him out on another date and tell him how you feel."

And On the 14th | Seventeen JiHan | Joshua x JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now