April 14, Black Day

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Joshua was shaken awake. It wasn't what he was used to, but living with Seungcheol had gotten him used to all sorts of things. Sometimes he woke up to water in his face, a basketball to the legs, and one memorable time, a kitten was sitting on his chest (the kitten is now under the happy care of one Jeon Wonwoo). So being shaken awake wasn't the oddest thing ever. What was weird though, was the time. Usually, Seungcheol knew to let him sleep in on the weekends so his body could catch up on all the sleep he missed during the week. But today, Joshua's alarm clock informed him it was only eight in the morning.

Joshua could feel how raspy his voice was as he spoke, "What the heck Seungcheol, it's too early."

Seungcheol was sitting next to Joshua's bed, pouting, "Shua I'm sad. I'm lonely and sad and I don't want to sleep alone anymore."

Joshua sighed, scooting back and lifting the duvet, "C' mon Cheollie."

Seungcheol jumped under the covers, burying himself into Joshua's arms and shutting his eyes.

"Wait, Cheol, do you know if I have plans with Jeonghan today?"

Seungcheol's voice was already mumbly, how he always sounded right before he drifted off to sleep, "He'll be here in like, five hours. Now let me sleep and be sad."

Joshua chuckled, running a hand through Seungcheol's hair. He'd let the other boy sleep for a while. This was another thing that Joshua had grown used to since living with Seungcheol. The older boy was a tactile creature, always leaning on others trying to be carried or to carry others, or just plain trying to cuddle. It had confused him at first, but eventually, he had grown accustomed to it, even sometimes initiating their cuddling.

He would have worried about what his boyfriend thought if Jeonghan wasn't the exact same way. Jeonghan always slept better with someone beside him, and Junhui somehow managed to be an even more tactile person than even Seungcheol. He couldn't count the number of times he'd shown up in Jeonghan's apartment to see the two of them napping together. Heck, the number of times he'd walked into his own apartment to see Jeonghan and Seungcheol asleep on Joshua's bed would probably be a cause for concern in any other couple.

But not them. They knew that everything that happened with Junhui and Seungcheol was strictly platonic. There were no romantic feelings anywhere. They were simply friends doing things they enjoyed and comforting each other when the need called for it. And if Seungcheol was to be believed, and he usually was, he needed this comfort. Joshua knew that the other boy loved being in a relationship, and hadn't been with anyone since his relationship with Dojoon had fallen apart 3 years ago. The other boy had cheated on Seungcheol, broken his confidence in himself and his trust in others. It had taken a while before Seungcheol had been ready to date again, but now that he was, he was having a hard time finding someone.

Just like Joshua had promised, he and Seungcheol had gone out to try and find someone. They had gone to a bar and then a club, but nobody had caught Seungcheol's eye they were all too loud or excited, or too tall and strongly built. Or when he had finally talked to them they came on too strong, flirty winks and smiles sending Seungcheol straight back into the shell they had just eased him out of. Every person they saw reminded him of Dojoon or the man he'd caught him with. They'd eventually decided to call it a night and went to Jeonghan's apartment to watch movies, Seungcheol cuddled sadly into Junhui's side. Joshua had wanted to try and set the two of them up, but Jeonghan had confessed to him that Junhui already had his eyes on someone else.

So Joshua kept his mouth shut. All he could do for his friend now was pet his hair and fall asleep in his warm embrace.

The second time Joshua woke up that day, it was to their front door opening. Joshua would have been concerned if he hadn't seen Jeonghan poking his head in the open doorway. Jeonghan's smile was bright as Joshua waved lazily at him.

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