December 14, Hug Day

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            A chill crept under Joshua's blanket and tickled his feet. His toes curled as he tried to avoid the cold, but it chased his exposed skin. His sleep-addled brain had him backing away from the chill, and he accidentally bashed his head against the wall. He awoke with a groan and cradled his head in his hands. His eyes had opened and squinted into the bright light of the room.

Seungcheol stood beside his bed as he jumped into a pair of tight blue jeans. He muttered as he jumped and Joshua couldn't hear what he had said, but he laughed anyway. Seungcheol spun around to face him, and Joshua laughed harder at how wide his friend's eyes were. Seungcheol panted and reached up to grab at his heart.

"Holy shit Josh, you scared me so bad!" Seungcheol said.

Joshua giggled and rubbed at his eyes, then let his hand drape off the bed.

"Sorry Cheol. What's your plan for today? You gonna take Jihoonie somewhere nice?" Joshua asked.

Seungcheol stared at him for a second in silence, and Joshua pouted up at him. Seungcheol groaned.

"Fine, okay. I know you're only doing this so you can figure out what Jeonghan is going to do with you. But whatever. I'm going to Jihoon's place and we're going to be there all day. Probably. We'll figure it out," Seungcheol had trailed off and a small smile grew on his face.

Joshua smiled too. Finals week had been extremely difficult for him, so staying home all day sounded amazing, especially with how absolutely freezing outside it was.

"What are you gonna do there?" Joshua asked.

Seungcheol threw his pillow at him which Joshua only stole and placed under his head.

"Don't push it with your investigation mister."

Joshua huffed and rolled over onto his back, "Whatever. Have fun with Jihoon."

Seungcheol smiled as he grabbed his keys from the bowl, "Have fun with Jeonghan. He'll be here soon. He said you could just stay in bed."

Seungcheol left and Joshua snuggled himself further into his blankets. This was one of the times when he was glad that his boyfriend loved to sleep. Sometimes it allowed him to stay asleep all day with him. Usually, Joshua liked to be up and doing things at all times, but his body ached, and his head pounded. Finals had been hell. He had stayed up for days on end writing papers and preparing presentations that rattled his nerves. He had just gotten over a cold that Sehun had managed to give him. Lying in bed sounded like the only thing Joshua really wanted to do.

He curled himself tighter into his blankets, covering his face with the fabric. He didn't want to fall asleep again, but he didn't want to have to face the chill in the air. He wiggled his toes to keep the blood flowing, and to keep his mind busy.

The door creaked open and Joshua poked his head out of his blankets. Jeonghan smiled at him from the door. He was wearing what looked like thick sweatpants and a large padded coat. The tip of his nose was red, and Joshua reached his arms out from the blankets, making grabby hands at Jeonghan. His boyfriend grinned and shed his coat, kicking his shoes off as he hustled towards Joshua.

Jeonghan slipped under the blankets and immediately wrapped himself around Joshua's body. He giggled as Jeonghan littered his face with kisses, before he slumped on top of him like dead weight. Joshua sighed as the warmth of Jeonghan's body seeped through his chilled skin. His body didn't ache quite as much as it had before and the pounding in his head had trailed off into a quiet rattle.

"Hi Joshuji," Jeonghan murmured in Joshua's ear.

"Hi Hannie. What are we doing today?" Joshua asked.

Jeonghan nosed along his neck and Joshua shivered at the cold touch against his now warm skin, "This."

Joshua made a noise of confusion, kneading his hands in Jeonghan's sweater.

"Today is Hug Day. I figured we could stay cuddled up like this all day. I know how tired you've been lately and I thought this would be a good plan. Also, I didn't want to go anywhere today, so..."

Joshua giggled, "That sounds amazing, actually. I do not want to go anywhere today."

Jeonghan sighed, "Good, good. I wanted to make the last of these holidays good, so I'm glad you like it."

Joshua kissed along the side of Jeonghan's face, and he even managed to reach the cold tip of his nose, "Of course I like it. Anytime I get to spend with you is time I enjoy."

Jeonghan slapped at Joshua's chest but he could see the red flush that grew along his cheeks, "Cheesy."

"I'm serious! I'm really excited for the new year too. I'm gonna get you the cutest journal you've ever seen, and the prettiest yellow roses. You're gonna be so surprised when you see what I've got planned coming up." Joshua said.

"Really?" Jeonghan's voice was quiet as he spoke.

"Of course! And I'll do Valentine's Day and you can do White Day, I think it's only fair. That way you can do your holiday, and I can still do one from my culture, it's a win-win on that one babe. We should do a photoshoot for Photo Day, one with like, a super cool theme, or we could go to the carnival and do one of those photo booths, that would be really fun too! I was talking to Minghao about Wine Day and he said there's a winery in Busan that's really nice, and they do a whole Wine Day experience thing. What do you think, Angel?"

Jeonghan looked up at Joshua, and his eyes were shimmering. They glistened with unshed tears, but his smile was wide and more beautiful than Joshua had ever seen it (but to be fair, he thought that every time Jeonghan smiled).

Jeonghan placed his hand on Joshua's cheek, "What do I think? I think I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone, and I am so happy that you have given me the chance to love you."

Joshua smiled and leaned forward to kiss Jeonghan on the lips. Joshua rested his forehead against Jeonghan's after he pulled away, "I love you too. More than anything, more than anyone, I love you."

Jeonghan laughed before he leaned forward and kissed him again. As their lips connected Joshua's body, heart, and soul, was now comfortable and warm.

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