October 14, Wine Day

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Joshua was not having a good morning. He hadn't slept the night before, up the entire time reading a book for his literature class and outlining his next essay. He hadn't finished the book and so his outline made no sense and it was stressing him out. He needed to do well on that essay. Not because he had a low grade, but solely due to his perfectionist attitude. It was a blessing and a curse, really.

He fiddled with his pen, clicking the pen over and over again. After a few minutes, a hand rested on his own.

Seungcheol leaned over and whispered in his ear, "You good, dude."

Joshua nodded before whispering back, "Just peachy dude. I didn't finish my reading for lit, my outline is terrible, and I have a group project to work on after this class with people I don't even know. So yeah, I'm doing awesome."

Seungcheol patted him on the head, "That's rough, buddy. You need any help with anything?"

Joshua shook his head, "There's nothing you can really help me with at this point, but I might have you read over my outline later, thanks."

Seungcheol nodded and went back to taking notes. Joshua hadn't been taking notes at all, Professor Cha's monotone voice was so easy to block out and focus his entire mind on all the things that were stressing him out. He wished that he could just sit there and take his notes like he usually did, but instead he was just not paying attention at all.

He scratched at his paper, but didn't end up actually taking any notes. He wanted to just leave. He wanted to go home and cuddle with Jeonghan, not think about anything to do with school.

Joshua looked up when Seungcheol got up, and he realized that in the middle of him worrying about his work, the class had ended. He tossed his notebook and his pens into his bag, not caring if things got bent or misplaced. He would care later, sure, but not now.

Seungcheol wrapped his arm around his shoulder, "You ready to go home?"

Joshua groaned, "Yes, but I can't. I have to meet my partners in the library."

Seungcheol waved goodbye to him, probably to meet Jihoon for lunch. Joshua made his way to the library, stopping briefly to buy a sandwich to eat. It was a pretty good sandwich, considering that it only cost him $3. He'd just finished his sandwich when he got to the library. His partners said they would be set up in the back, and Joshua was glad to see that they weren't lying.

The two boys smiled at him when he walked up, one much happier than the other. From what Joshua could remember from class, he had never heard one of them speak, so he assumed that he was just shy.

The smiley one spoke with a higher voice than he anticipated, "Hey! Joshua, right? I'm Wonpil and this is Dowoon! Sorry if he doesn't say much, but he's not being, he's just shy. And don't worry about him not contributing, my baby really knows his stuff!"

The shy boy blushed a deep red and pushed Wonpil in the shoulder and whispered, "Pillie hyung, please."

Wonpil giggled and pinched Dowoon's cheek, "Sorry baby, but you do."

Joshua smiled as he watched them interact. It reminded him of some of his friends from high school, and he could they were going to be good partners, especially if Dowoon really did know his stuff. Joshua had been most worried about the project because he wasn't sure what he was doing in the chapter.

They got to work quickly, and Joshua was amazed by how well they all worked together. Their powerpoint was coming along nicely, and Joshua felt like he was actually finally understanding the material. Dowoon did, in fact, know his stuff.

They were halfway done with their project when Wonpil said they needed to leave.

"Sorry about this, Joshua, but Dowoon and I have reservations for dinner soon, and we can't miss them," Wonpil said with a pout.

"It's fine, don't worry about it, we can get together again later. Just text me at some point. Have fun on your date!"

The boys smiled at him and left him alone in the library. He stood up and stretched, his back cracking like a glowstick. He sighed at the feeling, actually feeling like he could move now. He packed his backpack again, but this time he put his notebook in the proper place and his pens in their special pouch. He threw his backpack on his shoulder and rushed out of the library.

Wonpil's mention of he and Dowoon's date reminded him that he too, had a date that night. Jeonghan was supposed to be at his place in two hours, and he needed to get changed. Jeonghan had mentioned they were going to be going to a nice restaurant, and he wanted to look nice.

Once in his apartment, he waved at Seungcheol who was tying a tie around his neck. He showered as quick as he could, making sure to use the vanilla-scented shampoo that Jeonghan liked so much. He dried off with a speed that would have made his mother proud and started to change. Seungcheol had apparently left while he was in the shower, the other boy nowhere to be found. He had just finished rolling up the sleeves of his button-down shirt when someone knocked on the door.

Joshua smiled to himself. He had been right to be in a rush, Jeonghan was early as usual. He opened the door, all tension from the day finally leaving his body as he caught sight of Jeonghan.

"Hannie," he breathed out.

He took two steps forward and captured Jeonghan in his arms, kissing him deeply. When he pulled away, Jeonghan was gasping into his shoulder.

"Holy shit baby, you okay?" Jeonghan asked.

"Yeah, I've just had a really stressful day and I really missed you."

Jeonghan smiled, cupping Joshua's face in his hands, "My poor Bambi, had a rough day. You sound like you could use a drink."

Joshua nodded with a pout. Jeonghan smiled and kissed Joshua on the nose. It made a warmth pool in Joshua's stomach, fiery butterflies going wild.

"Luckily for you, we're going to go get some drinks. Today is Wine Day."

Joshua perked up, "Really? That sounds so nice."

"Good. Now, are you ready to go?"

At Joshua's confirmation they were gone. It didn't take them long to get to the restaurant, but Joshua was glad for the time they spent walking there. The restaurant was nice and Joshua was glad that he had changed.

They were seated quickly and Jeonghan looked so pretty sitting across from him. Tha candle in the middle of the table lit Jeonghan's face, making him glow. Jeonghan reached across the table and held his hand. A waiter came up to them and showed them a wine menu.

Joshua looked at it, eyebrows furrowing. He didn't have to stress about it because Jeonghan was already ordering.

"We'll do the Sweetheart Sampler, please. Thank you."

Jeonghan smiled sheepishly at Joshua as the waiter left, "I asked Minghao for suggestions, he loves wine. He said this place was the best for wine day. I wanted you to have the best day."

Joshua smiled at Jeonghan, "Any day with you is the best day."

Jeonghan smiled and Joshua could have sworn he was blushing. He loved whenever he could make Jeonghan blush, but that wasn't why he had said it. He meant what he said, truly. Jeonghan was always so sweet to him, so loving. Just seeing Jeonghan instantly made his day better. While he may have sad he needed a drink, all he really needed, was Jeonghan.

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