November 14, Movie Day

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 Picking out an outfit on the fourteenth of every month was becoming a bit of an ordeal for Joshua. Because of Jeonghan's insistence that the holidays be kept secret, Joshua never had any idea what to wear. Would they be inside or outside? Would they be going to a fancy restaurant, or would they be going hiking? He never knew what to wear.

It was a lot colder now, and Joshua hoped that they would be inside for their date. Jeonghan had told him to "dress comfortable" which was so, so vague. Joshua nearly gave up and went back to bed, but he knew that Jeonghan would be upset. Also, he couldn't really afford to skip his class.

He pulled on his favorite pair of jeans and a warm, yellow jumper with a long coat on top. He looked nice and comfortable, so long as they stayed inside. And besides, he was sure that Jeonghan would take him home to change if his outfit wouldn't work for what he had planned for them.

With that in mind, Joshua put on his backpack. He locked the door behind him and shivered as the cold wind blew across his face. He shoved his hands in his coat pockets to keep them warm. He walked towards campus, faster than he usually would. He wasn't running late, he was cutting it close but he wasn't late, it was just so cold. He couldn't imagine Jeonghan would make him stay outside.

He stepped into class just before class started, taking his seat in between Seungcheol and Sehun.

"Hey Cheol, hey hyung."

"Hey Josh, you got plans with Jeonghan tonight?" Sehun asked.

Joshua nodded, "Yeah. I'm not sure what it is, but he told me to dress comfortably."

"That's good, Jongdae hyung and I are changing into our pajamas as soon as we get home."

"Same with me and Jihoonie! I'm gonna make him wear mine. He's gonna look so tiny and precious oh my God I can't wait," Seungcheol said.

Seungcheol was grinning as he spoke and Joshua found himself smiling along with him. He liked seeing Seungcheol so happy now. Plus, from what his friends had told him so far, the holiday of the day was going to be something he really enjoyed. He liked the idea of cuddling up with Jeonghan in their pajamas, doing nothing at all. He could picture it and butterflies filled his stomach.

The professor walked in and Joshua was forced to pull his notebook out. He started taking notes but allowed his mind to drift. The only thing he could think about was his upcoming date. Sure, he was still taking notes, but they were sloppy and missing information. He shook his head, forcing himself to focus on the professor. He knew he'd be upset with himself if he took bad notes, so he tried to push Jeonghan from his mind. He listened closely as the professor droned on. His professor's monotone voice lulled him into a rhythm of productivity.

Awhile later, Joshua felt a weight fall on his shoulder. He chuckled softly, pausing his writing to pat Sehun on the head.

He whispered as he began writing again, "You okay, hyung?"

Sehun nodded and it shook Joshua's whole body, "I wanna go home and see Dae Dae. I miss him so much. I haven't seen him in so long."

"You guys live together, how could you miss him?"

Sehun whined, "He went to Baekhyun hyung's apartment yesterday to work on a project and had to stay the night cause it ran late. It was so lonely without him."

Seungcheol reached across Joshua to push at Sehun, "Hyung you're such a baby."

Sehun just huffed and rested his head on his hand, "You guys suck. Jongdae hyung thinks I'm cute."

"He's your boyfriend, he has to," Joshua said.

Joshua didn't get to hear Sehun's response, because the professor dismissed them from class. Sehun had jumped up and ran before Joshua could even close his notebook. Joshua laughed, packing quickly and following the dust trails of his hyung.

Joshua smiled as he stopped in front of the classroom door. Just like he thought, Jeonghan was standing in the hallway waiting for him. He rushed into Jeonghan's arms, who laughed at his eagerness.

"What's gotten into you, Joshuji?" Jeonghan asked.

Joshua pulled away and kissed Jeonghan on the cheek, "Just missed you, that's all."

Jeonghan smiled, "Missed you too."

They walked back to Jeonghan's apartment, and Joshua was brimming with questions. He wanted to know what the holiday was, and he wanted to know what they would be doing. He hoped it would involve pajamas like Seungcheol and Sehun's plans.

Jeonghan opened the front door with a flourish, and Joshua's jaw dropped as he took in the living room. The couch was piled high with blankets and pillows covered the floor. Fairy lights were strung along the walls.

"Go on in, we need to get changed before we start. I left some clothes for you on my bed."

Joshua hustled in, then stood in the doorway of Jeonghan's bedroom. Laying on top of Jeonghan's bed, was a set of polka dot pajamas. He skipped towards them, throwing off his shirt and pants, and changing into the pajamas that Jeonghan had set out for him. He could hear Jeonghan laughing from the doorway but he couldn't care less. He snuggled into the pajamas and sighed at the comfortable feeling. He went back into the living room and huddled onto the couch and waited for Jeonghan to change too.

When he came back, Jeonghan draped himself over Joshua. Joshua laughed, wrapping Jeonghan in his arms and pressing kisses to his cheeks.

"Happy Movie Day, Bambi," Jeonghan murmured as Joshua continued pressing kisses into his skin, "We're gonna be stuck on this couch for a couple of days so you better get comfortable."

"I like the sound of that," Joshua said, "What are we watching that could possibly take days."

Jeonghan grabbed the remote and turned the TV on, "Marvel marathon, in order, from the very beginning."

Joshua pulled Jeonghan closer in his arms and settled in for a long journey, "This is gonna be so fun."

Jeonghan smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Joshua sighed at the touch and focused his eyes on the screen, glad to be cuddled up with the one he loved.

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